Yet another trigger….

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  • 32 subscribers

So I’m sitting here in tears again. Why? I’ve just swapped handbags and found Chris’ top up card for the mobile he took into hospital. Sounds ridiculous but there you go, it’s this blooming’ grief thing. Gets you just when you don’t expect it



  • It's not ridiculous. We all get triggered by seemingly innocuous things. X

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • Hi Jane

    It's not ridiculous at all.  These things often seem to jump out and trip us up. 

    I came across John's wallet the other day. I'd put it in a drawer after he died and forgotten about it. It was as if time had stood still looking in it, receipts from just before this nightmare I was like you, in tears.

    But I thought to myself "this will pass" and it did after a while.... the wallet is back in the drawer until the next time.

    Sending hugs and strength

    Sarah xx

  • Thank you Sarah. It’s a relief to know it’s not just me, if that’s an appropriate way of putting it. 
    Sending hugs back to you



  • Hi,

    grief is a nasty piece of work it kicks you in the teeth when you least expect it. I dropped the can of deodorant that my sons use and the smell just had me in tears. They were always using each other’s, but hadn’t been leaving it in the bathroom until recently. Jerry getting up so early for work would dress in there so not to wake me the deodorant would fill the room. I’m now emotionally stronger to be able to at least limit the grief and replace it with a better memory of the time we had. Xx 

  • I know the feeling, triggers are everywhere.

    Now I try to welcome the tears as much as I can, because whatever you feel, the best way to get through your emotion is to embrace it.

    Easier said than done, but when I feel really down (it's been a year) I tend to think that it's fine, because it's all part of the process and when I feel better afterwards, I look back and think ok that wave has passed, good.

    Take care xx

  • Yep, they are. I am sat crying. It was 8 years a couple of days ago since my first husband died. I still love him.

    I went to his grave tonight to talk to him .I rarely do this. Our daughter will be 18 next month. I want him to see her and feel how proud I am of her. I so miss him on these milestones. 

    I have fallen out with my boyfriend tonight because I can't tell him this. His son has been a pain all week ( he is nearly 21) and is acting like a 2 yr old. All I wanted was a hug. Now I am sat alone in tears with a G&T because I don't know how to handle it. I couldn't talk to my second husband about it as he always used this information against me. So I am struggling to tell someone else something so important to me as it sounds silly unless you have been there! 

    I so just want a hug. My kids try but they don't quite get it! 

    Alison xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Akela2516

    Here’s a hug from me.   
    Peter xxx

  • Here is one from me too xxx

    My eldest daughter turned 16 yesterday after finishing her GCSEs earlier this year, while grieving her Mum, gone just a year ago. I know how you feel about those steps.

    Take care xx

  • Thank you. 

    I think it is the hardest thing. I hope your daughter's GCSEs have gone well with everything she has also had to deal with. My daughter lost her stepdad the year of her GCSEs, bless my two, lost a dad and stepdad in their lifetime! 

    I try hard to compensate but it has its moments.

    I am sure you are doing a great job 

    Thank you xxx