Psychics & Clairvoyants

  • 10 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone on this group has been to see or contemplated a visit to a psychic, medium, clairvoyant... whichever name you choose to use. I know as a mixed bunch of people there are going to be believers and non believers among us.  But I am interested if anyone has, Covid permitting sought or thought of contacting a medium with a view to trying to 'communicate' with their loved one ?

  • Hi, it's a controversial topic isn't it.

    I did go see a clairvoyant. He was quite amazing.  I didn't give anything away, he spoke about my husband as if he was still here. I have always said I won't find anyone else as I will always be married to Rob so this didn't surprise me. So i had to say Rob had passed. 

    He spoke about Robs passing stating where we were all positioned around him. He said my husband could only here one of us speaking which was also correct. My husband had wanted me our children and mother in attendance when he passed. I was silently fuming as my MIL had left to take her daughter on holiday!!! I asked if Rob minded his mum not being there and was told he knew she wouldn't be as she never put him first!! 

    There were other things which I felt were spot on too. It was incredibly emotional but I did feel a sense of peace.

    Its up to you if you do it, but be prepared to not learn anyrhing or hear from your loved one.

    Good luck

    • Ruby diamond x
  • Ruby diamond 

    I think the biggest worry is finding the right person... so many scammers out there.

  • Absolutely,  I used someone recommended to me by more than 1 person. X

    • Ruby diamond x
  • Ruby Diamond,

    I used to know of someone years ago but I've moved away from the area in last few months so need to try and locate a genuine person.

    I'm still fairly sceptical and know to give nothing away initially but I'm starting to think seriously about it.  

  • FormerMember

    Hi pooka 

    my Nan was a spiritualist so grew up on occasions going to church with her and they have mediums at the church I think we need to find what helps us x I went after my dad was killed but didn’t get a reading I think I may go back but not ready yet x I would just say go with recommendations x 

    I have been going to my local  church to light a candle just because I needed to be somewhere I feel I can connect to Keith i suppose I am hoping he will communicate with me or looking for something to say he’s ok x so I understand the need x 

  • Thanks Sunsarah,

    I will look around once things open up properly. I've recently had to move to a new area as well so still finding my feet and finding out where things are. Unfortunately that also means not knowing who to ask where to find a genuine psychic... maybe a spiritualist church could provide an answer.


  • My wife passed just over 2 years ago I tried a couple of mediums who were OK but have found a man who impressed me he was spot on with most things have seen him every 6 months and always come away feeling I have spoken to my wife there are lots out there who are scammers throwing names hoping to get one right but if you find a good one you will know hope it helps 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Newb

    My Husband passed 31 months ago and it feels like yesterday. I talk to him all the time and I have a few tears every night when I say goodnight to him. I thought about finding a medium in the beginning but this pandemic got in the way but now perhaps I can think again. I also have no idea how to go about finding one, not madly keen on going to a spiritualist church on my own, my step son who is the only family I have is a non believer and actually is looking forward to his demise because he believes he is going on to better things. Can I ask Ian where you found your mediums please.

  • On the Internet local mediums near me found a few and looked at there reviews had disappoinments with some but unless you try them you don't know if they are good or bad I also record the sessions as you tend to forget a lot of it  phone readings if you can't get out they can't see your face for signs and if someone is going to contact you they will be there  just my opinion what ever you believe in hope that helps you it did me 

  • I want so much to believe that I will be reunited with my husband but after spending a small fortune on various mediums I have never had any 'proof ' of any afterlife. I had a Christian background but found I did lose faith during the months we were suffering. I do still hold hope but I'm finding that each time I'm getting nothing tangible from mediums it rips at an open wound. I think if you want to believe in a spirit realm you can find your own signs as relying on mediums can only prolong the pain, only speaking as someone who tried.. do whatever you want to try to make you cope xx