I’m still grieving

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It’s coming up to two years and I realise I’m still grieving. I’m doing things I’m enjoying some stuff. I’m not in tears all the time just occasionally At the usual stuff  like when bambi’s mum gets shot . But some Activities  have lost there meaning as I don’t have Jerry to share it with. It’s  strange one is   scuba   it was something I always did On my own Jerry hated the water, but I just don’t want to anymore as I no longer can share the stories with him. With that I’ve lost a circle of friends. The other two activities kite flying and bike riding we did together but now the bikes are rusting in the shed and the kites stuck in a cupboard I can’t seem to get rid of them or use them. Has anyone else had similar with joint hobbies what did you do? 

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm coming on a bit late here but I've been a bit busy. Since 2016, I've moved to two different countries. This time, it's more permanent so I had our things shipped over. So, here I am living among our things for the first time since Gilles died at the end of 2018. Seeing some things have made me smile but now I think I'm just depressed. The things don't replace him. I think I had certain expectations, against my better judgement, but there you go, I'm only human. Like many of you in the same timeframe, a lot of things have changed in my life but I can't say I'm happy. The hole, the loneliness and sadness seem to have become permanent fixtures in my life. I can only hope that, just as the rawness of the early days has subsided, perhaps these feelings will also attenuate one day. Sunday is Gilles' birthday: the third one since he died. Time goes on, though we'd like for it to stop a little.

  • Hi Jane and all,

    It's interesting I've never found the evenings particulalry difficult, not more difficult than any other time of day, but what has always been difficult for me, it still is somehow after athree years, are weekends when I have nothing planned and don't know what to do with myself. Or, in fact, I don't think it's so much that I don't know what to do with myself, it's more that all the things I am doing I don't want to be doing them on my own. At the moment I don't feel this so much because I am here with my parents still but I know I will feel it again when I go back to Ireland.

    Lots of love


    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Perhaps it’s getting easier, 

    some lovely news I’m going to be a grandma in November, I know in my heart Jerry knows it’s a very strong comforting feeling like an inner hug.