The death of prince Philip

  • 12 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Good evening, 

Well what a day, started with simple things not going right, nothiing major then with the announcement of the death of Prince Philip well I have been an emotional wreck. To the extent I had to go to bed and sob. I have had to ignore the phone as not been able to talk and didn't want to upset other people.

Where did all that come from? Believe it was built up emotion that had to be released, big time. I have watched the TV programs on him and the tears have continued to flow.

Today has brought it home to me how very very difficult all this is and I hate it more than ever. Just when you think you doing ok and I can do this, something makes you realise your not. 

Thank goodness tomorrow is another day.



  • FormerMember

    Hi all 

    My first thought was I know how the queen feels then all the anger of a lock down funeral etc and then just going backwards to memories it’s strange how something can trigger responses  then I sat watching thinking Keith would have been paying his respects as was in the navy aged 16-21 he was very proud of his military back ground and then came memories of there yearly visits to the royal tournament with our sons when young so a very mixed bag as that’s the first memory I have had and it was positive 

    big virtual hug to all you out there 

  • Sunsarah, as I said in my earlier post, my husband was also ex royal navy (Submariner) and had naval honours at his funeral as far as lockdownrules permitted. Recent photos and film footage of Prince Philip on naval duties have evoked many memories for me. 

    Navy Farewell..                                  "Rest your oars, we have the watch, Fair winds and calm seas on your eternal patrol"