The death of prince Philip

  • 12 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Good evening, 

Well what a day, started with simple things not going right, nothiing major then with the announcement of the death of Prince Philip well I have been an emotional wreck. To the extent I had to go to bed and sob. I have had to ignore the phone as not been able to talk and didn't want to upset other people.

Where did all that come from? Believe it was built up emotion that had to be released, big time. I have watched the TV programs on him and the tears have continued to flow.

Today has brought it home to me how very very difficult all this is and I hate it more than ever. Just when you think you doing ok and I can do this, something makes you realise your not. 

Thank goodness tomorrow is another day.



  • Like so many of us I was watching Eamon and Ruth still scrunched up in my nightie missing my beloved and when the news broke I just thought “oh another lovely man  gone and another family broken.” It doesn’t matter who you are when the love of your life dies the toll is enormous. Queen or not my heart aches for  Elizabeth. X

  • I have found it hard watching the news about Prince Philip... seeing all the Royal Navy references and pictures.

    My husband was a Royal Navy Submariner and as such his funeral coffin was covered with a naval ensign, poppy wreath and his uniform hat. All of which have been evident in library pictures shown on the news today.

    I feel sorry for anyone losing a loved one but there is also a selfish part of me that thinks he was lucky to reach 99 and lived almost twice as many years as my husband got. 

  • Hi everyone,

    I was very sorry to hear the news. His death didn't come as a surprise as he had been having heart problems for quite a while. And 99 is a very good age to reach. And Queen Elizabeth was by his side when the end came. My heart aches for Queen Elizabeth! How difficult it must be to be without her husband after all those years!

    Have any of you watched The Crown on Netflix? I can really recommend it.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • I never usually watch television but I binged watched The Crown in the very early days after losing my husband... I  literally shut out the world (lockdown helped) and watched the whole series as a means of escaping reality.

    It was  good to watch..despite my reasons for watching it when I did. The next series should be interesting.

  • Oh Pooka, that’s when I watched it too. Never done the binge watching thing before but it passed many hours in those first difficult days and weeks! 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Pooka

    It is so sad to think of anyone losing a loved one Royalty or not ..  but I am like you and a pang of he had 99 years when my Nick only had 61. 
    Leigh x

  • Hi all,

    It has provoke alot of emotional for me and feel it has set me back. Mind been thinking about them final days again Joyover and over.

    Rob was 54, life so unfair.



  • Hi All

    I'm glad it's not just me that went to the ... well at least he was 99!! David was 52. I totally understand Queen Elizabeth will be devastated and anyone passing that we love IS devastating but 99 you feel more like celebrating his life where as I found it hard to 'celebrate' David's life at his funeral because it felt so utterly wrong that it was over so soon. 

    I'll change that way of thinking I hope... or at least start to celebrate him because he most certainly was WORTH celebrating. A wonderful human being. I miss him so much the pain isn't going anywhere yet. I keep thinking I'm getting a bit stronger but I'm not. I'm doing as many things as I can to help myself but I still just have to stop every few minutes and cry and sometimes I feel the tears will never stop. 

    I'm sat at his desk today. Maybe that's not helped. I never sat here ever. Not because he wouldn't let me but with him working from home the past year and also a gamer... he was never off this seat. I have been bad with paperwork this week so wanted to try to get some done today and thought if I sat up at the desk it might help. It has a little I guess but I think knowing I'm in his seat maybe has set me off even more today. Doesn't take much. 


  • My husband was also 54.. so cruelly taken far too early ♡

  • Hi everyone,

    I feel that every life is worth celebrating whether it is somebody who had a very long life or a shorter live or even a very short life. And I think everyone who has lost a loved one, when the person was a good age or still young, deserves all our compassion because it is always a devastating, heart-breaking loss. But I think that for me it feels like the Queen in her old age and after such a long long time with her husband will perhaps have less strength left to deal with this devastation and heart-break as we younger ones have - or maybe it is the other way around and she can cope with it quite well because she finds comfort in the fact that he was a good age and that they had such a long time together - who would ever know...

    Love to all, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.