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Tomorrow it will be 12 months to the day.

That day.

I thought I would be okay, but I am already in bits.

Because tomorrow I can't have a proper memorial but am not allowed to hide either - there are people who have taken the day off (both my children, his sister, his mum) to come and be with me in the garden at various times. I will have to hold it all together - you know - how you hold it all together for other people you care about.

I don't want to refuse them - they need it too, and I love them all. 

I have a hospital appointment in the afternoon that I thought I could handle too - a minor (hahahaha) cardio procedure that I can see now I will probably be sobbing throughout, while they wait for me in the garden

I am going offline now, so no need to post, dear folks, I shan't read anymore today.

But think of me, please - because I know you know, and it will help me, and I don't like asking for help.

As ever, feeling bleedin' sorry for myself - Sue xx