
  • 30 replies
  • 31 subscribers

Good morning,

Feeling positive and motivated, but sure how long for. More coffee before B and Q open.

Not sure what people will think, I do feel guilty and unsure and now tearful, but my thoughts are if the world permits us to, how do we think about holidays without our loved ones. One minute I think go for it, next I think no I can't 

I know I am a long time off but want to go to Maderia next January to scattered some of Robs ashes to mark the year. But will change my my 100 times before then.

Any tips or ideas please 

Love Donna xx

  • June, If you come to East Coast let me know I will join you for cuppa and cake.

    Take care 

    Donna x

  • Oh that will be great. For seven years we have taken at least one east coast trip annually and rented a flat or cottage on the sea front in Filey. Our great niece and nephew who are now 11 and 9 have such glorious memories of those holidays and have begged me to take them again. We had rented the same cottage for this year but as thing became worse we realised it wouldn’t happen so gave it to a family member. Happy, happy days. 

  • We also returned to the Maldives many times after the initial 'once in a lifetime trip' several times to the same island. Mark was so happy diving in the Indian Ocean. 

    Holidays meant so much to my husband and I'm pleased that I can now look back over our many trips, look at the photos and see him happy ♡

    I have no idea if I will get away alone.. maybe a trip to family and friends in Canada if I can pluck up the courage...but I know wherever I go the pieces of jewellery I wear made with a small amount of his ashes, means that a little part of my husband will be travelling with me. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Pooka

    Hi all,

    My hubby Clive and I were fans of America and loved our road trips, just like Peigi and her Gary. I’d love to go back there one day but can’t even think about that yet.

    However, I have booked a UK holiday. I’m going alone to Cornwall for a week, well me and our dog anyway. Clive and I loved it there and visited many times, the last trip being just 6 months ago. He was already pretty poorly by then but still mobile enough to have a little wander each day and enjoy sitting by the sea. It was the last time I saw him truly happy as there was no talk of him cancer and no hospital appointments just for that little while. 

    We even loved the drive there and I’m sure I’ll cry most of the way and many times whilst I’m there, but I feel the need to do it for me. I just hope I can enjoy a few walks with the dog, eat a few holiday treats that my hubby would have loved, sit and look out to sea from the cottage with a good book, glass of wine and just remember happier times.

    We are all brave whatever we do going forward, simply by getting up and starting each new day.

    Julie xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    And this will be my holiday companion, Daisy

  • Aw Julie, she’s gorgeous Heart  And she’ll be great company for you xx

  • She’s a cutie and I’m sure she’ll be great company for you on your holiday. 



  • Great, lovely, they are a good reason to get up each morning. 

    Love Donna x