Seriously how much tears...

  • 18 replies
  • 30 subscribers

...can one person produce!?! 

I haven’t stopped crying all day on and off for the past 4 weeks! 

I think I’m a bit hungover today, my sadness has even more of an edge (didn’t think possible!) but an old friend came yesterday and we needed that blow out! 

I also drank red wine for first time in 4 weeks too. Why? Well when Dave & I tested positive for covid around Jan 13th we were both ill together for at least a week then I started to get better, he didn’t but we both had been too poorly to want wine and then when we did decide to have some tasted awful!!! Our beloved red wine that we enjoyed so much together now tasted disgusting! Apparently happens a lot after having covid! 

I got stronger again. Dave didn’t. However still the red wine tasted wrong. So, since Dave passed I’ve stuck to Prosecco or white/rose. Then last night my pal made me dinner and brought red wine. I cried taking the first wine without Dave?? Felt so wrong. However it did taste like red wine again but now I think my mood/hangover is from that. I’ve not felt like this after Prosecco or White ... is that another thing I’ve lost, something I once so enjoyed now I feel I can’t without Dave and makes me sadder as a result too. 

Life really can be so crap! X

B****** cancer!

God I miss him!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to MelanieL

    Wine .... Andy loved red wine, but it was not good for him, and he did have a problem.  At the end, he couldn't remember the names of things, but he said he thought he might be able to take a sip of "that red milk". I opened a bottle and poured him a glass, but he couldn't do much other than put it to his lips. He didn't like the taste, and I felt so bad for not letting him drink his fill when he could have.

    However, I am fighting the good fight and drinking plenty of it on his behalf nowadays! 

    (That's a lie, really - the odd glass now and again,)

    Love to you all -  Sue 

  • I always liked champagne  so my beloved would buy it for me at Christmas even though he didn’t like it - more of a beer and Guinness man. I have a bottle of expensive stuff he bought me two years ago and said he’d help me drink it when he got better. He never did so it sits there still in it’s Christmas bag. I did find a small bottle of Moët in the fridge and today I opened it after some gardening. Just three glasses so I took one and passed the rest to my wonderful neighbours who have just recovered from COVID. It tasted ok but not as I remember it. Enjoy your tipples everyone. June

  • Get that champagne drink!!! And enjoy it!! Xxx

  • Oh I used to get at Dave for too much red wine too. He didn’t really go that mad you say, wished I’d let him have his fill now!!! 
    But, truth is Sue, if Andy & Dave were here, not ill  no b****** cancer in sight...we’d still try get them to cut back! It’s life, we loved them. Xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to MyPineapple

    So true! It was our only bone of (minor) contention.

    He did actually cut back, just not enough for me Laughing


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Will6

    Thanks June - I hope you had a good day.

    Andy loved a Guinness or other strong beer too - that was his "pub drink" xx

  • When my beloved first got his terminal diagnosis he asked “Can I still drink beer” and the answer was yes especially stout so we made it our mission to find many different kinds of stout. He loved them all. My Tesco man used to ask if we were having a party but when I explained he recommended some to us. Gordon’s  favourite time of day was when he opened his bar at eight pm - the bar is our conservatory and his beer was kept by the back door in a plastic box to keep cool. The box is still there and each evening I sit in his chair and I have a drink whilst our old dog sits by my side. I feel so close to him here and I enjoy my time with him. Sleep well everyone and thank you all for your words and experiences- you are helping me so much. June xx