I miss my husband and very lonely

  • 34 replies
  • 32 subscribers

I lost my husband after 4 year battle with cancer, I feel so alone and hurting so badly,  he passed away July 2019, it still feels like yesterday,  I lost my friends and some family members think they got fed up of me saying no to every time they asked me to go anywhere or do anything but my husband wouldn't let anyone do anything for him only me, I have no one only my counselling and my grandchildren when my daughter comes which isn't very often,  I still not coping very well, 

  • FormerMember

    Hi mope

    sending you a virtual hug x I only lost my hubby 11 weeks ago but can relate to spending the last year basically isolating saying no to friends the covid situation makes things harder would you be able to reach out to them ask to meet x I don’t know your age but there are some groups for spouses that do meet ups or zoom meetings I totally get the pain it’s unbearable keep talking on here been a great help to me x 

  • Thank you for your reply, I'm 57 and friends have all moved on really now, I try to talk to my children but they seem to think I should be over it now, there life goes on and other people but I'm standing still, my life for 4 yrs was between hospital and home, I can't see a way forward some days, no one to talk to or listen to, the pain hasn't got any easier, I don't no how to join group's, I've never been on any sites before,  I was looking to see if other people feel same,  sending hug, thank you,  

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Mope

    Hi mope 

    I am 56 I think good that you have come on here people are supportive all understand xx you will now have a group of friends to talk to xxxx 

  • Hi sunsarah, thank you I hope I can, days and nights go so long sometime,  grief is so very hard to come through,  only people who have gone through a loss can understand the emptiness and hurt we feel, xx

  • Hi Mope 

    As Sunsarah says, you’ve done the right thing coming on here. 
    I lost my husband 3 weeks ago this coming Sunday and my heart is breaking. I can’t imagine a time I won’t feel this much pain.

    Everyone is different in their journey of grief but at least on here we ALL get it! The sheer awful pain. 

    Keel reaching out, look through other threads on here, it does help to know others feel the same. 

    Sleep well, 

    Allison xx 

  • Hi Allison, I'm sorry your hurting as well, all journeys are different, and very lonely ones, but we do no each other's pain, every day seems a struggle, I will have a look at other threads, thank you, hope you manage to sleep xx

  • Ho mope

    Welcome to the group!

    I lost my husband 12 weeks ago and it is so hard, I understand how you're feeling. The pain is unimaginable.

    Now you've found this group keep posting whenever you need. There's always someone to talk to when you need it,  the support I've had has been a life saver  when I've felt I couldn't go on.

    I'm 58 and have looked at other online groups but haven't found any others which are right for me.  I'm too old to join any that look like my sort of thing unfortunately!

    Take care xx

  • Morning all,

    just to let you know there is a site for over 50’s called Wayup. I’ve joined it but have only got as far as introducing myself as a new member, but they have zoom meetings and you can find people in your area. They have regular meet ups when allowed and people post on there everyday. Xx

  • Yes, I've joined that as well and have only got a far as introducing myself.   I've also joined Jolly Dollies this week, which sounds interesting Blush xx

  • Hello Mope and everyone else too

    I can only agree with what others have said- this group provides so much support and understanding. It’s been invaluable to me. I’m just over 5 months into the journey- I still miss Chris so much it physically hurts. The last twelve months have been so hard. Chris actually was diagnosed last July- in that brief respite we had from strict lockdown. So we spent most of late July and August with hospital appointments. 
    My advice would be to use this site to rant, rail, whatever you need. We will understand and are there for you, even if it is only remotely. But I’ve certainly found it helps.

    Take care all. Sending hugs

