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It’s not quite 3weeks yet since I lost my darling David.

I’ve heard people talk of ‘signs’ that make you think they are still there.

Until this morning I’d not really had a sign.

I woke up, reached for my phone while still not fully awake (bad habit really) but there is a woman I came across on Instagram called Tab and I only started to follow her because I just loved her sign off each goes ...”now, you go about your business and have the most amazing day, but, even if you can’t have a good one, don’t you go messing up nobody else’s ya hear!”

I just loved that. Blush

I pointed it out to Dave as I did everything and he agreed it was good. He normal rolled his eyes at most things I showed him (then followed by his cheeky dimpled smile Heart)

This Tab woman mainly posts chats and cooking and then the odd close up messages where she says that her spirit it telling her someone out there needs a chat and off she goes. Can be about anything at all, someone stuck in the wrong job, someone having a long going argument that needs resolving etc... never have I seen a post from her about losing someone!

This morning there it is! At the end she talks of our loved ones sending signs and even said ...”hey I’m here talking to you now, they let my spirit know you needed this!”

I did think for a second maybe ...maybe that’s Dave talking to me ...but then as soon as I clicked off it and onto my emails I saw for the first time today’s date and knew it WAS him!

Remember I’m only just awake at this point, reached for phone, Tab’s message being first thing I clicked on so hadn’t even registered the date yet.

It’s 18th March, exactly seven years today the first time I met Dave!!! I’ve known the anniversary was approaching of course (especially as when booking the funeral the only date in March I said I didn’t want was 18th) but I’ve also been trying to block it out.

I don’t know how I feel about this ‘maybe’ sign from him... but it made me smile, if only for a few seconds on a day I thought that wasn’t possible.


  • Hello MyPineapple 

    Oh, I believe in those signs. For me it’s the appearance of a robin- several key moments in the last five months a robin has appeared to let me know Chris is there in some way. And on our sons 40th two weeks ago when we were out and about somewhere we’d not been for years, a robin accompanied us round the woodland walk. There’s been a couple in the garden this morning as I’m about to swap the car, something we’d been planning for the last two year! Don’t ask what the delays were- it’s a long story but it was one of the last conversations we had. 
    Be kind to yourself, especially today. I’m sending you hugs



  • FormerMember

    Oh yes I have had two signs. I always said to my Andy to send me a white feather. A week or so after his death I was out walking and was talking to him asking if he was ok and that he had not suffered. His death was pretty traumatic for us, he was at home and although the drs and nurses had reassured me he wouldn’t have suffered I was worried. Then a small white feather fluttered down just in front of me and I only had to put my hand out to catch it. No stretching or speeding up to catch it, just perfect timing. I knew then he was ok.

    The second sign was really weird. I was in the drive in at Macdonalds when the thought came to me to buy a Diet Coke. Now I hate their Diet Coke and for the last few years I always have an orange juTwo heartse. It was a really persistent thought and I found myself ordering a Diet Coke and thought that’s so weird. Later that evening a few hours later, I noticed on the Diet Coke cup it said in large letteTwo hearts “ I promise I will always love you”.  I am sure that was a message for me and one I would have never got if I had ordered the orange juice. Two hearts

  • Hi Slight smile

    I certainly believe in signs and I like to think that Beth is watching over us in some way or another.  One thing that I saw and can’t explain,  was what I can only describe as a bright star in the bedroom one night before I even went to sleep.  It was in the corner toward the top of the room,  I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me,  I shut them  and opened them but it was still there,  I did the same again,   again still there.  I watched it for a little while and felt comforted,  I closed my eye and fell asleep.  There was nothing shining in from outside and I haven’t seen it again.  I like to think that it was Beth saying that she was okay,  that she is still there and that in time I’ll be okay too.

    Take care today

  • Hi MyPineapple,

    Oh I do believe in signs! I always have! And some strange things have happened to me since Paul died. Sometimes I would find something exactly when I needed it, but I would be sure that it hadn't been there before. For example, a while ago I was desperate because I thought that I had no sleping pills left and, there, in my bedside locker drawer, at the very bottom, were some sleeping pills stuck in a corner!

    Another time I wanted to bake a cake and the only thing I didn't seem to have was sugar. And as I was just about to forget about baking the cake, there was some sugar in the back of the cupboard!

    One time, very shortly after Paul's death, I woke up in the morning - well, was only half awake really - and heard Paul breathe beside me; I could have sworn I touched his hair when I reached out.

    And those are just a few of the examples. Are they our loved ones coming to give us signs? I don't know. But it makes me feel good to believe it.

    Love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Oh Mel, I’ve had those lost things suddenly reappearing. The mask I wore to Chris’ funeral vanished- I even checked coat pockets of coats I knew I hadn’t worn, emptied my handbag twice and it wasn’t anywhere. So I stopped looking, went to my handbag later that day to get my phone and there it was! I didn’t quite hear him laughing but I know he’d have been smiling- he knew how I hated losing things! Same thing happened a week or so later, with something I couldn’t find then it turned up exactly where I’d looked and it should have been. Like you, I get some comfort in thinking it’s Chris watching over me and letting me know he’s around. And if it makes me sound crazy, well so what? 



  • My dad repaired my lawnmower a couple of days ago and every tool, part my dad asked for I was able to find immediately in Pete’s workshop. It was uncanny. Then yesterday a friend who had never been to our house before, came to check Pete’s motorbikes over for MOT and he was able to find tools etc he needed. He said it was strange how he was just able to put his hand on them straight away. Coincidence? I like to think that Pete was helping us xx

  • Oh Sausagedog1, I love the thought that your Pete was helping out. Certainly seems like a sign and must feel very comforting. 

    Sending hugs


  • Hello My Pineapple, my lovely wife Julia passed away 6 weeks ago, we had been married 59 years. As I arrived home after her funeral a heron landed on the roof of our garden studio, I am sure it was a sign to say she was OK. Later when her ashes were delivered in a concrete urn shaped like an egg our two cats came and sat by her in the sun, another sign I am sure. I am struggling to believe that she has gone and will never come back but I talk to her all the same. 

  • Morning Colin

    Thank you for sharing that. Plus that’s a beautiful picture. I’m so sorry for the loss of your lovely Julia. 

    I’ve started to slowly talk to David. At first I found it hard but little by little I seem to be starting to. My husband was a character and into gaming and Star Wars and all Marvel movies so all the urns I looked at just didn’t work! So... he’s in a Star Wars Death Star! FlushedJoy that would make him smile. 

    Peace & strength to all xx 

  • Thank you for your is helpful to talk.. today is my birthday but fortunately my daughter lives with us and this morning she came into my bedroom with a birthday cake with candles just like Julia has done all our married life, we were both in tears....