Thank you

  • 21 replies
  • 29 subscribers

My husband died on 19th February. I read the posts on this site and am very grateful for everyone who shares their experiences to help each other. I don't expect to post again as I don't find it easy to express things but I really appreciate all the help on here to support me through these days 

So thank you 

  • Hi Bethany

    I am so sorry for your loss. You express yourself however you can. 
    It’s not really hard. Just speak from your heart. Nobody on here will ever judge you. 
    We all, sadly, have the same terrible pain. 

  • Bethany10

    I'm so sorry for your loss. You don’t need to post, just read if you want. We all feel your pain. It is the hardest thing you’ll ever go through 

    sending love xx

  • Hello Bethany 

    So sorry for your loss. Don’t feel under any pressure to post on here but on the other hand, feel free to express yourself. Nobody will judge you and everyone is so supportive. I’ve found it really reassuring to know that I’m not alone in experiencing the hugs range of emotions that seem to overwhelm me, often triggered by the most random and unexpected things. 
    Take care and keep following the posts


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to MyPineapple

    Thank you so much. My Nick was also 52 and the complete love of my life. We had 13 years together and I am very grateful x

    Tomorrow is another day
  • FormerMember

    Big virtual hug xx 

  • Hi Bethany10,

    My Rob was 54 years old when he died nearly 8 weeks ago, we had 17 years together, not long enough.

    No words to describe the pain.

    Take care 

    Donna x

  • It’s so incredibly hard. I’ve spent today trying to sort under the stairs and the shed as lots of Dave’s things in there. I need to do it, it’s how I’m built. I’m only storing things not getting rid of anything!!! But it’s so hard. I’ve stopped now and it’s only 3.30pm. Just can’t face to do any more today. My sister & niece & nephew have gone to see my mum today (Mother’s Day) but I couldn’t face it. I hate sitting there in company with my utterly sad face that every now and then stream tears no matter where I am. Feel better alone. X

  • Good evening,

    I should have gone to see Rob's mum today she particularly had a bad day and feel for her but prefer to hide away.

    Been tough day my mum died when I was 11 so 42 1/2 years ago so hate mother's day. plus it was 18 years today that my dad died.

    Just wish Rob was here and everything would have been ok. Don't care if he was ill, that we couldn't go out, not see anybody. If only  !!!!!!!

    My coping mechanisms at moment is sleeping, I am told it is self care, when I emotionaly had enough and need to recharge. Aooears to be most afternoons at present.

    Well tomorrow is another day.

    Love Donna x

  • FormerMember

    Bethany, you have my genuine sympathy. I posted quite a lot at first, but felt this site was not for me as I have no inclination to "move on" whatever that may mean. My husband died on 1st April 2020, so not even a year ago. BUT, please keep the door open - you may not find it easy to express things, but we are all very happy for you to practice on us. I have not posted for months, but it is a great comfort to know that it is here, and these people are here and all understand. No-one's story is the same, and no-one's grief either. We thank you for adding your voice, for however long. A big hug for you x