The hardest ‘first’

  • 21 replies
  • 29 subscribers

So tomorrow is Chris’ birthday, he would have been 68. I honestly feel this is the most difficult first that I have had to face in the 137 days since I lost him. By many people’s standards we celebrated birthdays quietly. But we always went somewhere special to us- York last year for his- and would have a good meal out and generally make a fuss of the birthday person. Son 1 will be joining me, technology means that we will be speaking to son 2 in the States. We are going to try and celebrate his life- we’re having his favourite food and drink but oh, how it will hurt. I miss him so much- that stone in my chest is very heavy and sharp right now.

I wonder if I will hear from either of his sisters who haven’t spoken to me since before Christmas. The occasional text or email is the only contact I’ve had with them. That hurts too, especially the sister that he worried about and was closest to. I really thought she’d keep in touch but I guess she’s grieving too. And to be fair, his family don’t do keeping in touch, they never have. It always struck me as strange. 

I’m aware that I’ve started to waffle but I guess I’ve lots of emotion buzzing round my head and heart tonight. I’m determined to be strong, to smile some of the time tomorrow and to remember the amazing man I’ve lost who just didn’t understand the hole he would leave behind.

Thank you for being there Xx

  • FormerMember

    I will raise a glass tomorrow to your wonderful man xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kenickiesmum

    I have a way to go. My wonderful husband Clive died 12 weeks ago today, but just a month after his 52nd birthday. So by the time I reach his 53rd it will be almost a year since I lost him.


  • So young. Thinking of you and sending hugs


  • I am thinking of you today, I hope you are ok. xx

  • Well I’ve made it through. I won’t lie- it’s not been easy, the pain has at times been unbearable. But I got there. 
    Thank you all for your kind words and for understanding.

    Hugs xx

  • The first are awful.. mine all  came so quickly after losing my husband. My birthday was just 6 days after he passed away. Followed by Christmas week which was also his 55th birthday on 21st Dec our wedding anniversary on 22nd Dec swiftly followed by Christmas/New Year.  

    Now I look back at last years calendar and see  a reminder of all the hospital appointments, tests, chemo, admissions ... an awful end to the life of a beautiful man.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Pooka

    Oh Pooka I totally agree with the calendar thing. That was one of the first things that I threw out. I couldn’t bear to see that reminder of how Clive spent his last year of his life being ‘poked and prodded’ as he called it. And me having to wait in the car park each time. I also threw out anything relating to his illness, sick bowl, urine bottle, medicines that I couldn’t return. Couldn’t bear to see any of it.

    Kenickiesmum I’m so glad that you at least got through what was a very tough day. You’re right some moments can be utterly unbearable and can almost feel like your entire being is going to be consumed by grief, but we have no choice but to ride those waves and just hope eventually we will make it out the other side, bruised, battered and with a little sadness in our hearts, but still alive.


  • I can’t get to grips with this site. I keep stumbling on threads I’ve not read. 
    Gosh you went thru a lot of firsts right away that must have been so so hard. 
    I don’t know how we all do it...we have no choice that’s how. 

  • Consumed by grief. Right now I can’t image a day I’m not going to feel like I do. Sick to my stomach. It’s two weeks today I lost Dave. It feels longer given all I’ve been doing sorting the funeral and making a start on the mountain of paperwork etc but yet still in the ...this can’t have really happened phase too. 
    I just want to be with him. X