
  • 15 replies
  • 26 subscribers

So had funeral yesterday just one big blurr felt  numb the whole Time but today just like when Keith died all over again all to real 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Sunsarah, 

    It is literally about baby steps. We all need to go easy in ourselves. When you’re with someone for all that time and suddenly they’re gone you can’t adjust overnight. It will take months, or years I would imagine to learn to live with the loss and still find a way to enjoy life.

    You’re doing great just getting dressed. 

    Ive managed to put a chicken in oven for later, walk dog and will meet friend for a socially distanced walk in a while. That’s as much as I can do today. I think we need to just tackle each new day and try not to think any further ahead, it’s far too overwhelming x

  • Well put Bramblejoo. My achievements today are being up, showered, dressed and a pan of homemade soup ready for lunches over the next few days- and I haven’t cried yet today. Small steps to many but to those of us in this awful position, they’re much bigger. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kenickiesmum

    You should be proud of yourself Kenickiesmum, that’s a good day!

    I feel that we need to highlight these achievements! Perhaps I’ll start a new post and see how long we can keep it going, reporting in our daily progress!


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Sunsarah, each day we get up & dressed is an achievement then we can build from there. Sending you a virtual hug. 

    I've managed to sort out changing over the name on the bills, I've been putting it off but feel better now it's done. All the people I spoke to were lovely but at the time left me feeling quite vulnerable. I also haven't been in a shop since last March and it feels scary.