Everything still seems unreal, yet very real.

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I Lost my lovely husband of 47 year in August , not quite 5 months,  i dont seem to be doing very well, at times i still can't believe he's gone, i have left everything the same in our room, all his shirts and little things i can't imagine changing anything. I still look around for him, can still smell his aftershave on his clothes,  he was my world my life since i was 19 years old. And yet  i know it is real and he won't be back and it scares me,  the future scares me,  its a future without him in it. We have three amazing grown up children and six grandchildren and are all extremely close,  they are also grieving. I dont know if this pain will ever ease,  i seem to have stood still if that makes any sense. 

  • I dont think it wishful thinking, i truly believe we have a soul,  a couple of days after i lost my husband,  my daughter was staying with me and we both felt a very strong presence of my husband in the living room,  it was so real, and yes it was comforting. 

  • Bramblejoo, it's the same for me- we've lived in this house for almost 35 years. My husband worked so hard to make it a lovely home- he decorated the hall and stairs after his original diagnosis! Every room has his touch and the garden was his pride and joy. I'm surrounded by the care he showed in making sure we had a beautiful home. As you say, there is so much of him still here. X

  • I’m not religious either and I believe that we have a soul. My husband was conscious until the end and I feel him in my heart, if that doesn’t sound too ridiculous. 
    We have lived in our house for 30 years and completely renovated it, it feels like he is still here. We also did lots of work in my daughters house, extended it and completely transformed it so it feels like he is there too. My daughter is now looking to move which had upset me but one of my best friends has split up with her husband and she is hoping to buy it. I hope she does as it means I can still have him there. 
    I wish my friend and her husband could work things out, I can’t believe that he can just throw 30 years away, what I would give to get that back xxx

  • Strangely I have been the opposite to you and others that have replied to your initial post..

    I got rid of most of my husband's things very quickly.. within the first week. I had to change the bedcover for a completely different colour ... I associated the colours of the old set with the horrendous days and weeks of him being in bed hemorrhaging SO much blood I was constantly alternating buckets so I could keep swilling it away!! The last few months he wore the same few comfortable clothes as apart from hospital admissions he never went anywhere, so his clothes ceased to be part of him.

    I've kept a few personal things including a big baggy jumper that I wear but I  got rid of 90%  of his stuff.  I prefer to wear jewellery made with his ashes and keep a tin carrying some ashes in my bedside cabinet so I can hold them for comfort when I need to physically feel him with me.  

    I guess we have to do what we feel is right for us in our own time scale.


  • Hi pooka, 

    Im so sorry to hear what you wnt through in your husbands last months,  cancer is an awful illness, it steals those we love in the most horrendous way.. as you say there is no right or wrong way,  its whats right for us in our own way. Take care xx

  • Thank you Bluebell53   x