Husband died yesterday

  • 18 replies
  • 30 subscribers

Just sitting here lost hubby died yesterday am 

He was diagnosised 18 months ago with metastatic prostrate cancer celebrated his 60 birthday in July so in Oct started chemo found braca gene so tried a new one doing really well 

then 4 weeks ago started to become vacant it was in his brain spent a couple of weeks in hospitals and 5 days radiotherapy to his brain  got covid no symptoms fell broke his leg couldn’t see him so arrived home Christmas Eve 

he came  out a different person so shocked and went down hill so quickly I know his cancer wasn’t curable but the sudden decline and the changes in him mental because of brain mets I found really difficult and why give treatment 

I have never felt such sadness it’s heartbreaking 

  • What a nightmare for you Sweat please use this site to  help you - there's lots of support here x

    Tomorrow is another day
  • FormerMember

    So very sorry Sunsarah, my wonderful husband was told his cancer was treatable, he was given  chemotherapy/immunotherapy which was too strong for his weakened system. Like your dear husband he was taken to hospital where he declined rapidly...he was basically neglected as all focus was on Covid ( despite there were only 6 cases in the hospital at that was a large hospital). I was told all the “ experienced, good” nurses were standing by on the Covid wards. Agency & HCAs were on the other busier wards. I had to launch a formal complaint!

    Like you I’ve never felt such sadness or heartbreak...last night was the hardest as it hit me 2021 would be the first year I wouldn’t see my husband at all. I cried all night.

    Sending you love & a virtual hug.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Camero 

    sending you a hug xx it’s heartbreaking 

  • Hi Sunsarah

    So sorry to hear about your husband, this will be a very difficult time for you.

    I lost my husband the day before Christmas eve only 2 weeks after being diagnosed with cancer. The way he declined in such a short time was frightening.

    I am feeling totally lost and heartbroken too but the support I have received from this group is amazing and is helping me more than I could have imagined. So keep posting whenever you need, I do and there's always somebody here to listen.

    Sending lots of love and hugs, cos we all need them  xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Sarah 21

    Hi Sunsarah,

    My deepest sympathies to you. I lost my husband 3 weeks ago and I’m totally lost. He was my life. I am functioning perfectly well but inside just feel empty and nothingness. Hopefully in time that will change.

    sending you hugs x

  • Sending hugs to you all- this is such a horrendous place to be. I found New Years Eve far more emotional and distressing than Christmas. I spent most of the evening in tears and cried myself to sleep. I woke up sobbing more than once too. The pain just doesn't seem to be fading and there are too many memories looming in the next couple of months with family birthdays. 

    I am so grateful for all the support and sharing here. Thank you all

  • I found new year awful as well, couldn't sleep at all last night and a very sad day today. 

    I put up my new calendar today...and looked through my 2020 one, which was so upsetting as life was normal then.

    Hugs to you all xx

  • I am in the same situation. My wonderful husband and best friend died on Xmas Day after a 15 month battle with cancer. He was only 51. I am heartbroken and the pain is indescribable. I went up to see him in the funeral parlour yesterday and wept buckets. Brought 2021 in with a good friend and got plastered. Hangover plus grief is not a good combination. 
    I keep thinking he’s going to walk in through the door. I’m shaky and panicky. This feeling is just the pits. Hugs to you xx 

  • This is so heartbreaking for you all, it just seems that every day is bringing devastation for some one. 
    Everyone here feels your pain xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Sausagedog1

    Virtual hugs to everyone.

    And ive decided I’m not putting up a calendar this year. Last years was just full of hospital appointments, chemo, scans, and one disappointing phone call after another. I don’t want to see another calendar so I’m going to put anything I need in my phone from now on....