Getting professional help

  • 11 replies
  • 26 subscribers

I lost my partner 6 weeks ago and I just managed to get through Christmas. I today made a decision to seek extra support from professionals. I think I am trying to avoid a major breakdown and have realised this could happen at any point. Hence, making this decision quite early in my grieving journey. 

My concern is that I will be wasting my time as the pain will never go away. 

Has professional support helped anyone on here? 

E x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to BootsyD

    Hi, sorry to hear your counselling experience wasn’t good. I’ve had a few periods of counselling in my life with mixed experiences. Right now I’m very lucky - the hospice bereavement counsellor who I was set up with is absolutely wonderful, a lifeline. I suppose I’m saying it’s worth trying others - online, private, or through your GP practice (eg Talkworks) - when you click with someone it can be a real support. 
    Also I agree with others, this community is hugely helpful, to read that others are going through similar grief makes me feel less alone. Good luck and love