• 15 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Is anyone else already fed up of hearing from the media and public  how great 2021 is going to be for us all ?


Covid will still be with us... but sadly our loved ones are not!

  • Hi pooka.

    Yes i agree,  i can't even think about a so called new year, as you say covid is still with us, my lovely husband of 47 years has gone , i lost him in August,  i can only take a day at a time , the future scares me. I find this forum a comfort with others who understand.  Take care. Xxx

  • Hi Bluebell 

    New Years Eve was when  we were first told of cancer.... 9 month later my husband was gone. 

    It annoys me when I hear people moaning about 2020 simply because they didn't go on holiday, shops closed or can't go to the pub !

    Then sadly I come on this site and read of the real loss and suffering during this year. Of all the wonderful people taken from us during a year when their treatment and hospital visits were so affected due to Covid. 

    For us left behind 2021 isnt going to be party year, the hyped up new year everyone is supposedly eagerly awaiting.

    It will be our dreaded first full year without our beloved partner by our side.  


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Pooka

    Hi Pooka,

    You are so right, that’s exactly how I feel. Everyone keeps saying they can’t wait for this year to be over. I don’t want it to be over as it means starting a new one without my husband. I feel like I’m leaving him behind and that’s so wrong to me. I will certainly not be celebrating that’s for sure! An early night and it’s just another day like every other Groundhog Day right now.

    The only light in this darkness is our baby grandson who my husband got to meet and spend 6 months getting to know before he died, so for that reason I will try to make the most of 2021 and spend as much time with him as possible, just as my hubby would have wanted. And when we can the family will have a wonderful holiday together bin Cornwall (where my hubby loved) and take him with us in our hearts. 

    I’ll be thinking of you all as this is going to possibly be the hardest year for us coming up... x

  • Yes , so true, for us the pain continues.  Take care x

  • Hello all. I couldn't agree more with you about the thought of a new year without that special someone in my life. In some ways I'm finding it more difficult to approach 2021 than Christmas Day. To be honest I've always struggled with NYE, but we always celebrated in our own quiet way, often with a rocket or two- he loved fireworks. The start of a new year fills me with dread right now. There is a small bit of sunshine on the horizon as my first grandchild is due in May. But even that is bittersweet as C would have been a fabulous grandad. But my younger son and his wife have promised that they will talk about him to their baby so that his memory lives on. And yes, typing that has reduced me to tears again today. 

    So grateful for this platform to share how I'm feeling with others who will understand some of what I'm feeling. Take care all x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kenickiesmum

    We shall be doing the same with our first grandson. My hubby did meet him and spent 6 months getting to know him but sadly our grandson won’t remember. But we have some photos and my daughter, her husband and I will tell him all about his wonderful grandad as he grows up x

  • Hi all, well it's a week today since I lost my husband so 2021 will start with his funeral!

    I cannot imagine how I'm going to get through the next day let alone the next year without him, so I wont be celebrating New Year at all, an early night for me and the dog!

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks every day is Groundhog day.

    At this moment I cant see anything at all to look forward to in the future, just an eternal ache for my soul mate.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Sarah 21

    Me too Sarah 21, hubby’s funeral on 8 December. Feel utterly miserable at the thought of no more fun times with my best friend. Life will keep going but will be all the more sad x

  • I broke down in work yesterday the first time it has happend we get an e-mail each week called wellness Wednesday it talks about everything from money to loss ect  yesterday's was about new years resolutions and it said to look back over 2020 and if you could change just one thing what would it be like everyone in this group it is the one thing we can't do anything about we can't bring our loved ones back 

    Let's just say I spent the next 30 minutes locked in the toilets trying to stop the waterworks 

    People talk about new year resolutions but when I am sad or feeling lonely then chocolate wine and cigarettes are the only thing that gets me though 

  • Oh Kate that must've been so difficult for you. It brought tears to my eyes imagining how I  would've felt if I had been in that situation.

    I'm feeling pretty low tonight, I think it is because it's new years eve....I just want to go to bed but my dog hates fireworks so I will have to stay up for him!

    I do agree with the things that get you through the tough times though and I will be having my share of them tonight!

    Take care xx