A Christmas message

  • 11 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Hello everyone,

so today is Christmas Eve. I really hope that none of us here half to spend Christmas on their own this year due to The ongoing COVID-19 restrictions. And, if you have to be on your own, then hopefully you will at least be able to connect with family members and friends on the phone, video call or chat or Through whatever means of modern communication you are using.

it has been an extra ordinarily difficult year for all of us with so many new challenges and I think we are all tired at this stage of restrictions, uncertainty, fear and all the rest of it. So let's remember to focus on self-care over the next couple of days and do things that do us good. Maybe reading a good book, listening to music if that is not too sad, watching TV or Netflix, going for walks if the weather is nice enough, talking to family and friends, coming to this forum and sharing your experiences or whatever else you think might do you good.

and let us allow our grief to be there. Christmas is a very emotional time and we missed those we love especially during such times. as for myself for example I lost Paul over two years ago which means that I have already had two Christmases without him but this year I seem to miss him more which I put down to the fact that this has been such a strange year and that there has been so much separation from people we love.

wishing you a peaceful Christmas,
