Can't sleep

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I lost my husband yesterday. He was just 46 and up until 8 weeks ago was feeling ok, we were hiking and doing all our normal daily life stuff. He thought he had a bit of acid reflux and bloating and was taking gaviscon and changed up his diet. Few weeks later we went to the doctor, as he really wasn't feeling great and he told her he felt a strange sensation when swallowing, like food got stuck a little. She set up an urgent endoscopy for a few days later where they found a lump in his oesophagus, took a biopsy and arranged a ct scan. 4 weeks ago today he was diagnosed with advanced oesophagus cancer which had spread throughout his abdominal cavity, too late for any treatment and that he had months to live. He wasn't bloated, it was ascites, they drained 4.5 litres the first time and 6.5 the second. 2 and a half weeks after diagnosis and we were in a hospice and now he's gone.

He's gone. 

I'm not handling this very well. I can't bring myself to close my eyes. I just see his wee face at the end, the cancer just ripped through him. He was strong and healthy and in a matter of weeks was so thin, jaundiced and it's just unbearable.

I stayed in the hospice with him and never left his side. He woke on the second morning in there and looked at me smiling, asking if we'd made it through, I thought he meant the night, but he thought the doctors had fixed him and that he was better and could go home. 

My beautiful man is just gone and I'm so empty. 

I don't know what I'm going to do. He was my family, my love, my best friend. 

I've arranged the funeral and sorted out his outfit. I'm going to go see him in the chapel of rest today. His family are religious, we weren't, but he told his mam that she could do "her thing" and I don't mind, I want everyone to be able to say goodbye in their own way. 

I'm sure it might be a normal reaction, but I feel like I don't want to be here anymore. My life as I know it is over. I loved our life together, I loved everything about it. I can't see how this will ever not be horrendously painful and crushing.

  • Good to talk to you Bramblejoo. We’ve got Gary’s funeral on Thursday. Dreading it and only allowed 20 guests because of this bloody virus. He would have packed out the local church. It’s been giving me some focus though which has stopped me having numerous meltdowns. His parents are both still very much alive and well and are taking it all very badly so I feel I have to stay strong for them. Both my parents are well too and this is the first close bereavement I’ve had to deal with. It just doesn’t seem right and is certainly not in the order of things. I lost my dear aunt to cancer at Xmas too (Xmas Eve) so 2020 is a year I never wish to repeat. 

    I wish you well on Friday and will no doubt be back on here for a rant/sound off after our funeral on Thursday. Stay strong xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to CD Girl

    Look forward to chatting then x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi bramblejoo

    i am thinking of you today, I hope you find a little peace I know I did, we shall all be here when your ready

    So in my thiughts

    Lee Bop x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks so much. Currently sitting at home, get picked up at 11.15 and I have never been so scared in my life. How is it that this seems to feel worse than the day my hubby died? Feel sick so just taking deep breaths and hoping I can be strong when it counts x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear bramblejoo, I hope that yesterday and the funeral went as well as it could. All these things are very difficult, they really are. I think many people find that they are a kind of stepping stone or passageway through to help us manage our own survival. Try to Be kind to yourself.  

  • Hi Bramblejoo, I was thinking of you yesterday and I hope it went as well for you as it could have done. Gary’s funeral was on the 7th (Thurs) and it went ok and I managed to hold it together somehow. The service was conducted by a friend of ours and I think we got it just right. There was a funeral cortège through our town beforehand where people could come out to pay their respects and despite the Covid restrictions, there were a lot of people lining the route. 
    Just felt weird afterwards because there was no funeral tea or wake or anywhere we could go together so my friend came back to the house with me and we demolished several bottles of wine. 
    Spent yesterday replying to texts and messages and trying to find vases for flowers. We did ask for family flowers only but people want to do something and they do look lovely. 
    Now the hard stuff really begins. The funeral director told me it won’t really hit for a few weeks. I just feel hollow and empty and without direction. The last 15 months were so full on and busy with chemo, hospital visits, seeing to medication, etc and now it’s just silence and a house full of cards and flowers. 
    I hope you’re coping ok today Heart️ I’m here to chat if you wish xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to CD Girl

    Hi CD girl,

    I am so glad that the funeral went well and that you were able to hold it together. It sounds like a wonderful tribute to your husband, you did him proud. Unfortunately I can’t say in all honesty that I held it together. Turned into a blubbering wreck as expected but the service was still perfect and just as he’d have wanted I’m sure.

    As for now, I have to say your words perfectly sum up how I’m feeling. I’m totally lost now and just feel robbed. I keep playing the songs from my husbands funeral cover and over which is making me worse. But right now I just want to wallow in my own self pity. I think we have the right.

    I just so wish that none of us had to go through this x