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  • 25 subscribers

Since my husband died 11 months ago my physical health has deteriorated. Its as though l was in a state of tension  during his illness and treatment and after l had dealt with the funeral and the very complex paperwork l relaxed and collapsed. I wont list my ailments but l developed heart problems and major digestive issues for which l was hospitalised as an emergency a few days ago. I am on multiple medications , rarely feel well . I havent grieved openly, l am struggling to even remember my husband as he was before cancer threw our plans and lives away. I just wondered if anyone else became physically ill following a sustained period as a carer. 

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to read your post. I’m the same, I’ve always suffered from minor health issues but during the year I was looking after my husband I was physically ok. Now 18 weeks after he passed I’m a wreck. Currently in bed with stomach upset & a sore throat. It seems that everything piles in when we stop... I feel lost, unwell & alone. 

  • I am really sorry that you are feeling like this at the moment.

    I was the same for almost a year after my husbands death with new health challenges arising all the time. if I didn't have a headache I felt like I was getting the flu and if I didn't feel like getting the flu I felt pain in my body in different places for no apparent reason and I felt tired and exhausted most of the time. I remember writing a post about it here and asking others whether they were experiencing the same and I was so relieved to hear they did. So I am hoping that this message will be of comfort to you also and that you can see that it is something that is experienced by many people in our situation.

    lots of love, Melanie

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Dear Trendylady

    I can empathise with you. Even now after losing my dear wife Anne after 50yrs of marriage and 16months on Im not the man I was. Im sluggish in my movements around the house and I experience anxiety attacks that cause  my heart to race. Last time I checked my heart was pumping over 200 beats per minute. And I now suffer vertigo and so at risk of falling. Ive also lost the confidence to drive after crashing my car just over 2months ago. I used to be physically fit; cycling,  running marathons and Tai chi. No interest any more.   And now I no longer even drive. To be honest I just want to pass over and meet my Anne again. 

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.