Grave space

  • 14 replies
  • 23 subscribers

Colin is buried with his dad in a 3 space grave (I would've had him cremated but he decided a couple of weeks before) Today his mam rang me about the green form which is still with the council - she spoke to them even though I told her it is  safe there but if it would settle her mind to go ahead and ring them, they are lovely to speak to. She also asked about a new plot, if they had any 3 spaced graves-  they now only have 2 space graves. Now, I expected her to take up the space already there (seeing as she paid for it originally). Here's what she came out with: her eldest son has no partner so she suggests he have that last space.  Her daughter has no partner and no children and it's unlikely at 50 she will have any so her thoughts are she buys a new plot and they both go in there when the time comes.  There are 2 more brothers but they have family and can take care of themselves- her words not mine.  I felt quite upset when I came off the phone. I wish we'd had the time and more conversations to buy our own plot and then I would have more rights and say so, as it is I have none at all. I know there can be 8 cremated remains put into the graves. I think what is pi$$ing me off is I have ordered a new headstone to incorporate the original wording when her husband died 40 years ago (she didn't even like him!!!) It will be a 3 side vanity mirror style with Colins wording in the middle, Rons on the left then the right side for her. Now if she's not going in and John probably will I'm a bit narked!!! 

Rant over...maybe


  • FormerMember

    I'm not sure what to say...

  • Haha Thinking I don't think any1 else does either but thank you for putting it writing Wink

    I just had to get it off my chest cos I think after the hoo-haa about the headstone having to say exactly what was on for Ron we opted for what will appear to be 1 for each of the 3 interred 'residents' at quite a cost to me not her. (even though it won't be placed for ages yet) 

    This saga might go on a while yet!!

    I have thought of offering to pay for her new plot then I will try and find out if John and Diane even want to be buried or cremated Fingers crossedhopefully if they both want to be cremated they can go in with their mother Fingers crossed


    Tomorrow is another day
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to BootsyD

    Hi Boots, I’ve read this a couple of times and I’m still not sure. Are you hoping, now your mother in law doesn’t want the space that you can reserve it for yourself? 

  • Hello Den1968, I suppose I am. Even though at the moment when I pop off I want to be cremated (I might change my mind, who knows?) I was accepting of her going in the last space and using the headstone for her inscription but now she's put this thought into the mix it's thrown me into a mix of  feelings.  I spoke to one of the brothers last night (the most rational and calm) and gave him all the blahblah about it,  he will speak to his mam, probably next week and get round to the grave situation no pun intended there Smirk!!   I am willing to give her the money for a new plot if she'll give me the deeds to Colin and his dads and the third space.  

    All I can do is bide my time and see what comes from the next conversation. She can be quite determined and I feel she could really take the hump with me over this if it's handled wrong. Confused

    Tomorrow is another day
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to BootsyD

    I did get the impression she seems very strong willed organising where ‘her’ family were going to be laid to rest and giving no consideration to yourself. 

    Ive a stone masonry business, so see similar situations to this all the time.

    I hope she sees sense and does the right thing

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to BootsyD

    What about a raffle? Or prize drawer..

  • She'd fkn control that as well!!!!  Rolling eyesRofl

    Tomorrow is another day
  • FormerMember

    Hi BootsyD - have you considered that she might not wish to presume that you want to be buried there, so the whole conversation might simply be her way of fishing for what you want. If that is what you want (which I obviously understand) just tell her that and see how the conversation develops.

    I lost my darling wife in 2018. I bought two triple graves side by side (ie 2 single spaces which could hold 3 bodies each stacked). My wife wanted to be cremated so she was and I interred her ashes in a grave (I also scattered some of her ashes where she wanted). I wanted somewhere me and my kids could visit and I want to be buried there when I die. The other grave is for our 3 kids should they wish - not that I expect them to, I expect them to have their own lives and do their own thing, but it’s an option - or it can be used by one of my late wife’s brothers or whatever, I don’t really care: I get on well with them living, I can’t see myself falling out with them when we are dead Wink 

  • Thanks for your reply Perignon, And I'm sorry for your loss

    I was at her house last week for her birthday, she's 81 now,  Neither of us mentioned the recent conversation between us. I am waiting for Colin's brother to get back to me once he's had his conversation with his mam. It also turns out she hadn't (at that time} spoke any of her offspring about her thoughts.  so I am in a limbo at the moment and I think once Christmas is over with I will grab the bull by the horns and bring it up with her!! I get on with all my in-laws really well but I know how she can blow up too. 

    I am {mostly} glad he's buried as it gives me that 'somewhere' to go {everyday} but wish we'd had more time to be frank about things :( 

    Tomorrow is another day
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to BootsyD

    Thank you BootsyD that’s very kind of you.

    Good luck over Christmas Grinning

    Keep safe.