Can't think of the good times

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My husband passed away last Wednesdays i only had 4 weeks to come to terms with the fact he had lung cancer the problem when I think about him I only remember the last 3 days of his life even though we had 20 wonderful years together 

On the Monday he had a blood test before his treatment was to start i had to wash him as he had lung cancer and he would get out of breath doing simple tasks it was the first time I had to wash him and there was time words said I got upset and said i couldn't handle it it was more the fact that I didn't know what I was doing we both said sorry but I still feral guilty about that 

On the way back from the blood test we were told to go straight to hospital as they picked up that he had low sodium levels waiting for him to go in to be seen he told me he was really scared I could just say he was going for tests and would be out with some medicine it was hard not being able to go in with him with covid he never left 

I got a call from the hospital the next day saying I needed to go in to see him as he had gone down hill his lung cancer had spread to his throat and was caucusing fluid on the brain he was verry confused and could not make any conversation with me he just wanted to know when ideas taking him home i had to lie to him and say the doctors needed to make him better soon

last Wednesday he passed the only thing he could do was say I love you if i said it to him his 3 older kids got to say good buy to him thankfully but his dad and sister missed him by minutes I think they blame me 

We decided years ago that we didn't want a funeral and with things the way they are at the moment with lockdown i thing we made the right decision his kids are ok with it as I am going to turn some of his ashes in to a glass keep sake for them but his dad and sister think in am being cold they don't see me crying every day 

Sorry its a long post but I didn't just loose my husband i lost my best friend and I can't get his last 3 days out of my mind i feal guilty and lonely all the time 

  • Thank you MelanieL

    I have my mum calling me every night and we talk for about 2 hrs firstly about what I have sorted out that day like bank accounts mortgage ect but then about daft stuff like the tv she never likes to end the phone call on a sad note 

    My auntie has been through the same thing as she lost her husband 20 years ago to cancer but I feel like I can't talk to her as I don't want her to relive them horrible times so coming her is a God send i can ask questions and reading that others are going though the same thing and giving me hope that things will get better in time 

  • Your Mum will be a great comfort to you and I bet your Auntie would be glad to talk to you too, I suppose it depends on her circumstances and 'happennings' at the time but she is living proof to you that we get through and move forwards. 

    I don't have my Mam anymore but we weren't close anyway, this site/forum has got me through -so far so good!!! 

    Ending your phone calls on higher note is good - your Mum is also your special friend by the sounds of things  Heart eyes

    Keep reading and posting we're all in this together!! xx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Kate, so sorry to read the news of your husband. My heart goes out to you for your loss and I can understand the confusion, turmoil and hurt you are feeling at the moment  

      I lost my beloved husband just a few weeks ago...  It hurts.  I feel lost, broken and angry.  Angry at cancer, angry at the NHS for their many failures, downright neglect and abandonment from a system that needlessly stopped planned treatment due to Covid!  Why?

    My husband suffered sooo much during the 9 months from diagnosis to his passing.  

    How I wish I could have been there when he passed away.. but hateful Covid rules prevented it. 

    I wanted to be there with him, to tell him one more time I loved him... Instead, I have to remember with regret that I was denied the opportunity to hold him as he slipped away.

     I am left with the awful memory of telling him I wasnt 'allowed' to stay with him when he asked me to.   I feel so guilty that I didn't simply refuse to leave  ... If I could turn the clock back I would have stayed by his side, chained to the bed if necessary.

    If only I had known what little time he had left ♡

  • Hi Pooka

    reading your post this morning made me cry, I’m so sorry that you’ve had to go through this.

    Covid has caused so much heartbreak. It is so cruel that you weren’t allowed to be with your husband.

    My husband went into hospital on good Friday, I couldn’t visit,just phone calls, he came out the following Friday and then died at home in the early hours of Sunday morning. I was so lucky to be with him, just us two, very frightening, I was told he had weeks left.

    No one knows how much time they have and we all have regrets but you can’t change what’s gone. Remember the love you shared it will comfort you. Heart️

  • Thank you Sausagedog1 

  • Hi sausagedog

    It is never the best time to loose your partner but I have found that with covid at the moment it just made things worse when you wanted to just hold there had to help them through the tough times you are told to go home and call up for an update 

    I was quiet lucky that when Neil's condition got worse the countless hospital let me go onto the word and sit with him as long as I wanted after me begging them they also let his family come and see him one at a time to say good by 

    I understand that they have to be careful at the moment but some hospitals are stricter than others 

    This site has been so good to me it will only be 2 weeks tomorrow since neil passed but I have had so much to do it seems alot longer 

    Take care 

    Kate xx

  • Hi Kate

    Im so sorry for your loss and all the horrible things that you have had to go through.

    This site is really helpful and there is always someone there to respond to your posts.

    Its 30 weeks for me now, it’s still difficult to accept that Pete isn’t here anymore and I think I’m still living my life as if he was here, as in I’m always thinking what would he do. 
    The first weeks afterwards are so busy with paperwork, it took me 4 months to get my head around probate, I just didn’t get it but then it clicked. 
    I can’t face sorting out clothes etc and his slippers are still at the side of the bed and I still only sleep on my side.

    You will get through the paperwork, I wrote everything down as I completed it and that helped

    Take care of yourself xx