Just need a hug. Feeling lonely

  • 32 replies
  • 28 subscribers


I have been doing really well. Moving forward. Today I have hit a brick wall.

Full of tears again.  It is a year ago since we got diagnosis. He was supposed to be here still for a year or two but only 3 months max. I am starting to think was there anything else I should have done again. It is stressing me and my asthma has exacerbated. I am coughing so much. I can't get on top of it even with oral steroids. I phoned the GP yesterday as work was worried. I can't be coughing all the time. Now I have to stay off and have a covid test. The Dr was on about hospital. Absolutely no chance as I have no trust in them after all the mistakes with Ric. I am pretty sure it is only my asthma and I am not I'll just coughing.

To cap it all, my unfortunate mistake is starting to send out mixed messages to me! One minute he wants my friendship, then a relationship and then nothing. He unfriended me last night on FB and to be honest that was fine. He has another jealous woman on the go and I don't need it but this morning I get a private message implying friendship again. I just said what is this all about? I don't need this. 

I just want a big hug from someone who cares and lives me and now I am isolated and waiting to hear about a covid test. I need to work and be busy. I have little to do at home except think! Which I Confusedn't want to do at the moment. I just wish it would all get better and go back to normal I saw s memory on FB of a holiday a few years ago this morning and find myself wishing I could go back! The moConfused I stress, the more I cough!!!  ConfusedCry

  • Hi,

    I’m new to the site but have been reading the posts and just wanted to send you a hug Hugging

    Reading about your symptoms, is it possible that you have a chest infection? My dad has bad asthma and he has an emergency pack with steroids and antibiotics. 

    The guy that’s sending you mixed messages sounds very insecure to me if he needs all this attention. My advice, if you want it! don’t feed his ego.

    It would be lovely if we could go back but that’s not an option. We are lucky to have such good memories to keep us going.

    Hope you’re feeling a bit better now, it’s a wobbly path, one step at a time xx

  • Thank you Sausagedog1,

    I reallyappreciate your reply. I have had 5 days of steroids. They haven't helped but no other symptoms other than the cough. 

    I have told the guy to go and jump and I don't have the patience for his ego now. 

    I hope that does the trick. 

    I have been for the covid test and the jobs worth won't do it as I work for the wrong hospital! My manager is trying to sort it. 

    It has been one of those days xxx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Akela2516

    Hi Alison 

    sorry you are having a bad time big virtual hugs from me

    dont stop being positive you were doing better than most of us 

    and stay away from that moron you are better than he is find your self a nice man are family still giving you hassle you find little jobs to do around or find a really funny film to watch put a smile on your face 

    Alison you will be back at work soon work keeps us all sane remember you could have not done nothing to help Ric you how much guilt I had when you have a bad day it always comes back 


    take care

    martin xx

  • Hi Alison these fb memories are both beautiful and sad at times. We just have to roll with it and let it all out then pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and start allover again (Notescue fir a songMusical note)all these dates are hurdles we have to jump and jump we will Heart

    Hope your steroids kick in soon and calm your asthma down. 

    Now as for Mr WasteofSpace... if you are not number 1 in his book and there is a jealous 'other'woman on the scene I say let her have him!!! He's already let you down and appears to behaving like a dick AGAIN  Rolling eyes just don't reply for a while and treat him like someone you vaguely know. 

    Lots of hugs for you, you're a tougher cookie than you think xxx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Hi Martin and Bootsy

    I am just having a down day. Guess I have to have one and feeling sorry for myself. 

    Thank you for the hugs and replies. I am trying to stay positive. Finally got the covid test after a lot of mucking about! Matron went mad on them! 

    I have told him firmly that I won't be dealing with him, he can't have two women and I am not being a reserve! He wants my intelligence and her body!!! Oh no, not happening. Shame he caught me today off guard because I didn't know he had what's app and I thought it was work. I was already feeling a bit down so he choose well to upset me! I have told him I can't be doing with jealous children!!! I am certainly not begging or fighting for him! He made his choice!!! I think the only choice of male friend will be a guy that has experienced it all too.. no rush and I am not looking.

    I will be ok tomorrow, I have been for a drive on my own as it relaxes me and will watch something on Netflix now. Maybe try and cook a nice meal tonight. Just feeling it at the moment. 

    Thank you all my lovely friends it is nice to chat here

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Akela2516

    Hi Alison 

    we all been friends on here for a long time and here for each other we all have down days back to work for me 

    had your test that is good chill in front of tv now 


    take care 

    Martin x 

  • We are all good friends and it is lovely and reassuring. 

    My day has got even worse. Just found out my daughter's old school friend has been found dead. Looks like suicide. She is only 16. Was often here playing. I am so upset. Sounds like she jumped offs crane at a building site. So sad. Her poor parents xxx

  • OMW!!! That's such a  tragedy!!! Dreadful for her family and your daughter will be devastated too  :(  more hug required xx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Thanks Bootsy. It has been a crap day!! Hannah is upset but she is great friends still with another of the little group so they have each other. It is devastating news. 

    Tomorrow can only be better. Xxx