What a fool I have been

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  • 27 subscribers

Well that didn't last long! Anyone else been taken advantage of because they were still vulnerable and needed affection. I hugely regret that friendship now! How can you tell who is genuine?? 

Turned out I was the safe bet in the background! I feel so hurt. I do not take a chance as a rule and am more cautious. Now I have been scared off completely from trying again and ended up feeling humiliated and used. 

Sat in tears! 

Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Alison  - a like button is all wrong for this - but thinkng of you 

  • Aww Alison sorry you have hurt by this 'friend' it's so bad of him todo this to you and if it was me I'd make him feel ashamed of his actions. Shake it off as a bad experience and turn the tables on him by saying he was crap anyway!!  Special hugs xxx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Bootsy the funny thing is, he was!!! 

    Thank you Nellie and Bootsy. I feel a bit silly too


  • Hey Heart eyesdon't feel silly at all!! The saying try before you buy, springs to mind, you tried and the goods were not fit for purpose!!!! No Sale RoflJoy   break the ties and don't go back- just be cool with him- he's had his chance and blown it!! Bring on No4 lol!!!!!!  Xxx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Hi Alison  what a rotten thing to happen ..no wonder you are upset .some folk are so horrible and to treat you like that when knows what you have been through  just remember he has lost out on a kind and lovely girl 

    like you have have been with my hubby since I was 16 ...it's so strange being on your own ..but hey you still have the pulling power lol 

    as they say dust your self down and get back out there lol .i myself have no pulling power ect 57 but not got great mobility could not inmagine being with anyone else .

    Dont let that so called friend upset you anymore he will get his Kramer hopefully soon lol 

  • Alison please don't beat yourself up, you are growing all the time, this is just a bump in the road. To have experienced this and the hurt means you are alive and feeling again, sod the wanker he's just a huge bell end. 

    But for you there is a future and by the way this proves you give a shit about yourself again...

    Hang on in there...

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • Thank you everyone. I had to hold it together all day at work. I have an apology text. Not really helped. I took so much courage for me to go out with him let alone sleep with him..

    Thank you mcc you made me smile and summed it up. Guess I am.naive enough not to think such men exist. I wish I hadn't trusted him with some of the things I told him now either.. but I can't change that. 

    Thanks Bootsy bit scared of no 4 for now! Thought I had cried all.my tears.

    Thank you Ww223 I hope I am a kind person, I certainly would not do that to some one. It is his loss.

    I will just have to accept I temporarily dropped my standards and made a bad judgement when I just wanted some affection!!? I am.angty with myself too! 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Alison,  let's be honest he's a poor excuse for a man if he can do something like that to anyone let alone someone he called a friend.

    I don't think you should be angry with yourself, direct it at him he deserves it. 

    Put of this behind you, you are the better person by far and we're all here for you 

    Lizzy x

  • I would suggest you swear blind you're finished with stupid blokes and will never ever ever ever...

    Let one near you again and just as you're done saying it mr perfect will step into.your life.....

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • Thank you both Lizzy and MCC, you are made for each other! 

    I have spent the evening on the phone to my good friend who is also widowed, we have had a good discussion, a laugh at his anatomy and that is cruel ( I was not that awful to him) and said how scared we are. We are planning a might out to chaperone each other!!! He drives a taxi so we could book him!!! Lol (joke).I am not going to beat myself up. As you say Mr perfect is there somewhere and I won't give up by one bad prick. 

    Have you got a brother MCC? Lol. 

    He did ring and apologise properly but probably because I told him it was cowardly to text. Still thinks he is a friend!!! Shame I liked his company and trusted him.eith a lot of personal conversation! 

    I have learnt not to be so naive etc

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

    Speak no evil