Being me!!!

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  • 25 subscribers

Another step closer to being me!!! 

I spent so much time doing everything for my husbands in the past! Always did what they wanted and over the years as my children say have got stressy and list a bit of my fun side. 

I have started to relax now although I keep busy, I do it relaxing! I have started redecorating my house, sorted a lot in the garden and replaced my gutters etc. I have a new sofa on order to my taste! 

I have increased my work hours by 5 a week to 30 but with better hours in the day, all 8-4 instead of 8-5.30! Which is better for running a home. I have time in the evening. 

I am going out with friends including a male friend. I enjoy his company but no "benefits" yet!! He has respected my feelings and it is nice to have some male company with no pressure. He makes me laugh. I have a lot of female friends now too. Ric could be a bit manipulative and I tended to hide away.unless it was out with him. I am enjoying being social and my children like it.

Now today, I am.back to healthy eating and I have booked some sessions at the gym! I get free Nuffield gym membership so I should use it! I was really nervous going there but the staff were great! It makes no difference that I am no longer fit and they are going to help me with a schedule. I was a bit embarrassed that one of the orthopedic surgeons was there but he did smile and say good for you! 

So I am moving forward!!! I will always miss and love Ric but as they say life does go on! And I am only 53!!! 

Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Good for you!!!!! There's a lot to be said about being free to do what you want. when you want and with who you want!! The kids don't need the same attention anymore and they'll do their own thing and are old enough to feed themselves etc. 8-4 is a much better work pattern too. I intend to join a gym at some point, maybe in the new year or sooner if I get made redundant!!!  

    You Go Girl xxx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Good for you Bootsy. Will you look for another job? I know what you mean about the public, they are high maintenance!!! 

    It is nice to have some freedom. I don't think I ever really have had it! 


  • Ah good for you Alison & Bootsy too! 

    Its so damn hard at times trying to carve a life out of what we’ve been left with. I’m struggling from some longterm Covid symptoms having been unwell earlier in the year & although I’m obviously relieved to come through it - especially for my kids- it’s now holding me back from moving forward. 

    1. I work part time too, although fewer hours longer shifts & at times I’ve got v caught up in what I think I “should” be doing. Truth is we are all different & need different things at different times. I know what you mean about being you, it’s a long time since I’ve only had to consider what I like when choosing things & to begin with it was a bit scary but actually even subtle changes to things at home, like adding a coloured throw on my bed have helped me. 
       The future still feels a scary place but I’m 47 & I can’t just throw my life away I know that, I watched my husband fight to the bitter end & I owe him to make the best of what I have now. 
      with much love, I don’t come on here so much now cos this site is just so fiddly but I think of you all often

    Sarah xx

  • Why have I now got a number 1?? Honestly!! 

  • Hi Sarah,

    The site is a problem. No 1 for most important!

    I hope the covid symptoms resolve soon. I had an old colleague that had it and was even ventilated, he has just gone back to work. Off since end of April. 

    As you say you are young and it is hard but the time has come. I have just eaten a bowl of uninteresting salad and think the weight loss may be hard! Lol

    Take care 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • I can be good for sometime with food Alison then I lose the Will & stop losing the weight! 
    good luck, do it for you! 
    Sarah xx