A year later

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  • 27 subscribers

It will have been a year tomorrow since my lovely husband died.  I miss him every day and it's difficult to see a way forward without him.

He had kidney cancer and had gone through all the ops and radiotherapy without complaint.   Even when a tumour arrived at his spine and confined him to a wheel chair, paralysed from the upper chest down he didn't complain. He just looked forward to the next day, every day, sharing jokes with carers and friends and family.  He lived with Cancer for six years, the final year with paralysis.

I have been advised that it would be a good idea to keep busy and make new acquaintances.

Had begun to go out and try to join in life again but then the Virus came.  I have been keeping safe, away from everyone except for immediate family.  Seems almost impossible now to imagine living life to the full again - I wonder does anyone have any inspiring words to share?


  • So today I  found out I have not been selected for voluntary redundancy.  Reason being age (57) and capability for the job. The store had to lose 42 hours- considering 3 staff members are almost 70 and another in poor health. I was impressed they thought I was capable at the very least Grin The last few days have been frantic with panic buyers even though our stores (clue in the name) have been open throughout because of pharmacy. I do like my job but the pressure from the public is overwhelming at times. It does give you structure and about reason to get up early I'm glad I'm not there full time.  

    Stay safe everyone xx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Hi Bootsy,

    Sorry you didn't get redundancy but you are still young.

    I actually increased my hours recently from 25 to 30. I find it helps me. Increasing my hours have given me steadier hours though and gives me free evenings. Although the evenings are lonely. I have given up on male friends as such for now! And we have lockdown! 

    We will see what happens after Christmas and when I have done a year! I am trying to do enough to fill my days and evenings!!! I can't actually stop and think! 

    Take care xxx

  • Hello everyone.  Yes I think the trick is to keep some structure to life and keep as busy as possible.  Too much thinking time is not good - neither is too much news!

    My daughter went "cold swimming" about a week ago (she is 43, married with four children) and has had a headache ever since.  She went to A&E on her doctor's advice and was scanned ref a possible bleed on the brain and had a lumber puncture procedure performed, ref possible meningitis.

    She was discharged as "all clear" but received a phone call yesterday to say that they had had another look at her scan and saw something that "is probably nothing to worry about" - something behind the bridge of her nose area.

    Of course she is very worried and has been told she will have to wait approx 2 weeks for another scan.  Keeping everything crossed!  Life's a bitch sometimes.

  • Hi its 3mths since my hubby passed, he had cancer for 2yrs before he passed and was so brave thro all tje chemo etc i miss him all the time its so quiet in the house, iv got a little part time job myself, its only 2hrs a day but at the moment im on berievement leave im hoping to go back nxt wed , i to am thinking bout getting a dog iv never had one so it will be a first for me bit nervous bout it but i think the company will do me good, plus it will get me out of the house for walks! X