Tough on my own

  • 5 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Ok, so 5 months in, my two sons have just gone back to university, and  evenings are darker. Still clearing out junk, Working a bit more,  baking flapjacks for a Macmillan coffee day attempt (  raised a decent amount thanks to very generous friends). I’m trying to keep busy...and yet . I’m finding I don’t at all like sitting alone in the house..  Thinking I might move the furniture around so I’m not sitting on the sofa where Mark was, dying, all those five months...but I’m not sure that’s going to do much. I have one evening activity every week. Apart from goodness this is really really hard. I’ve been sheltered from tgrim reality while the boys were with me, but this is it, and it’s not good. I suppose I could relearn all my piano scales, but for some reason that’s not grabbing me. I’ve taught myself crochet, which is fine, but...the news of continuing social restrictions has hit me hard.  No bereavement group, no choir, any other potential outlets limited ( can’t go and learn German, or anything like that ?). I end up sitting in the kitchen to avoid the other room, and I am still struggling with finding tv...I try stuff and end up. thinking, I just can’t be bothered with this... Does anyone else recognise this ? Dramas and stories just seem so remote...I can’t relate to them.  

  • Hi JSBach

    Sorry to hear this, yes i recognise  what you are experiencing  i was like that at the start of my grief but coming up to the first year with out him.

    How i have got this far i will never know, never ever thought i could get that far ahead.

    I sit in my kitchen and do not go into the lounge till seven of a evening that is when Tom and i used to say that is it finished for the day.

    I have stayed busy nearly every day since he has been gone, was the only way i could get threw the day.

    Mind you he did leave a lot of jobs that needed doing.

    This time of the year and then when the clocks go back i found very hard last year, such a long evening and no one to talk to that is a real struggle.

    I am not lonely but alone but i am better than what i was.

    My kids are very good but they all have families and their own lives and that is what i want, not to be here every five minuets checking on me.

    This virus has hit us all hard in more ways than one and every thing is on hold. The only good thing about this year has been the weather thank goodness for that

    This site has been a great comfort and helped me get threw a lot and would not have got this far if it was not  for others going threw the same, as they truly understand how we are feeling.

    Take Care Elliex

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ellie 73

    Thank you for writing back.  I guess, you and others have kept going, so I suppose, I will too. But I am finding it very hard. I agree 100% about not wanting to burden my boys. Sadly, Mark’s family have also caused me a lot of distress.  I think I will keep in touch with this site. I’ve been away from it whilst the new design was coming in.  Best wishes 

  • You and I seem to be at the same point on our bereavement 'journey' Colin died 5 April this year (25 weeks nearly) 1 of Colins lads had been staying with us while he was going through the process of buying his future ex- wife out if their property, he went back to his own house 3 weeks after his dad passed, leaving me home alone! I  went back to work after 5 weeks (I had been off since September looking after my man) 

    I also hang about in the kitchen, pottering around, finding my way to the fridge for another glass of wine. I  hate the nights getting darker too. On the days I work till 5 30/6 pm then go to the cemetery it's really dark by 7 and I  can't spend much time telling him about the day etc. I have turned into 1 of those people who we in retail hate- wandering about for too long near closing time and buying crap I don't even need! 

    I still cry every night while looking at his photo telling him I love and miss him so fkn much 

    I try to find funny things to watch on tv. Gogglebox is hilarious even though I  might not have seen the program they are making fun of or Jimmy Carr's countdown spoof.  

    Next week I am getting a call from a counsellor from the hospice (even though he didn'tmake use of the place) so we'll see how that goes. I tell everyone I 'm ok most if the time but truthfully I am struggling too. 

    The songs Tears if a clown and Behind a painted smile' probably sums me up- just adapt some of the words. 

    OMW!! haven't I  gone on a bit!! JSBach you are not alone but you are one of us and we will get 'there' wherever that is. Police and virtual hugs xx  Hugging

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Don't know how that word  police came up  No mouthI  typed- Lotsalove  Blushx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to BootsyD

    I was wondering!  Thank you for sharing your very similar..experience . Like you and your Colin,  Mark and I were best friendsMust have been tough being on your own so swiftly. At work they see positive version of me. Then I get home, and yuk, cooking for one, and it’s hard.  But you are right about comedy...funny does still work, which is quite amazing really. Best hugs. Hope you will find the counselling useful...I’ve had some support which I have appreciated, and have signed up for more. Hugs Hugging