Making a Relationship Time Capsule

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All being well, I am taking some of my partners Ashes down to Weymouth  be put in the Solace Reef  The tube will be inserted and sealed into a concrete type pyramid and lowered in to the sea. They are making a memorial artificial reef which helps repopulate corals, lobsters, crabs etc.  He was a diver so this is very fitting.   

As only some of  his ashes are going, I have room in the tube for other stuff. I have decided to make it a sort of relationship time capsule. I am writing a letter about us, will put in photos. His dogs identity disc which has my partners phone number on it. I will also put in a pair of his pants as he was always leaving them around. And I might even put in an old phone - he loved a gadget and kept an iphone version 1. And I expect other bits and bobs will go in.    It is brining me comfort to be planning this  and knowing that our relationship will be sealed up and sitting on the sea bed. Fingers crossed that we don't get locked down again as I am booked to go and do this on Oct 20th.  

  • Hi Nelliej

    What a fantastic idea. He will love it. I don't think we will lockdown again and keep my fingers crossed for you as I had to change the date a couple of times..

    I like be the idea of his pants too! 

    I got a lot of comfort from letting Ric go and I hope you do too.

    Take care. Love and hugs Alison xxx