Feeling so sad and so lost

  • 4 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hello all,

My partner of 18 years passed away 3 weeks ago, he had SCLC.

We had a pretty rough ride through our journey with hospital stays and the like. His wish was to pass away at home which is what we were aiming for.

Unfortunately that was not to be, I nursed him up until just over 8 hours before he passed. 

We got caught up in a medical emergency and he ended up being blue lighted to the hospital. Just before he passed the doctors told me that he had a nasty chest infection and sepsis and it was this that caused the crisis.

It's this crises that I'm finding so hard to deal with, his passing wasn't anything like we had planned and I could see the fear in his face. That vision is totally imprinted in my mind. We had many conversations about his last wishes and he was adamant that he wanted to pass at home with me there with him, but I just wasn't able to do that for him, one of our nurses came to see him, was concerned so she checked his obs and literally the next thing we knew was we were on the way to hospital, it all happened so quickly.

I feel like I let him down and I keep thinking about what he must have been thinking when this was all taking place, did he pass being really angry and disappointed with me? Did he understand what was happening and why?

His passing was very peaceful and calm, he literally just drifted away and the doctors and nurses caring for him were so kind, considerate and caring.

Three weeks on and I still cannot believe that he's gone and will never be coming back. I am so sad that it's not only my emotions that hurt, but my entire body aches from head to foot. I wander around the home that we shared aimlessly and just feeling totally lost and alone.

For me this is the first time that I've lost a loved one, the pain I feel is incredible. 

I'm so sorry that we're all here because we've lost someone that we loved so much, but hopefully we can all share our feelings and experiences and gain a little comfort on the way, I know that I will find it helpful to be chatting to like minded people. 

  • Hi Mossiemoo

    I am so sorry you have had to join this group but you will get a lot of support from here, i would never have got this far if it was not from this group at the beginning of this journey and it is coming up to the first year.

    It is so hard though we all know where you are coming from and what you are going threw. Every  one deals  differently with there grieve we are not given a map this is the way to go,

    I had to keep busy from the start it was like i was a robot so much to do all the jobs that he had left and i have now done some of them,

    Different emotions hit us that we did not we had and you wondered where they come from, your not alone, i was angry, sad, cursed him, thought i was going crazy at times, but no it is a part of losing the love of your life,

    You will get there, the motto seems to be one foot in front of the other and one day at a time.That is what i kep saying one day at a time.

    Others will come along to say hello, but you are not alone.

    Take Care Ellie

  • I am convinced he held or holds no anger for you, you cared for him and did everything in your power for him.

    You can hold your head high and grieve with a clear mind as far as I can see, take your time to grieve, don't expect to be at a certain place in your grieving journey at any given time, just hope you will see progress no matter how slow and no matter how backwards and forwards it might seem.

    You're among friends here and a great bunch they all are..I count them as my friends I've never met...

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • Hi Mossiemoo

    So sorry for your loss. My husband did not pass as planned either. I had promised to be there holding his hand. But he died suddenly on his own and I found him face down on the floor. It was not a pretty sight. I tried to resuscitate and then came to my senses and stopped. There were ambulances and police. No dignity. I beat myself up then I think it was sudden and he would not have known and I think he would have forgiven me. I did give the undertaker strict instructions and he looked really peaceful and almost lovely if that is possible. He had a perfect funeral for him. Try not to dwell on calling for help, it was because you wanted to help and cared. You may have had more time by acting. That is what we all tried to get. 

    Try to remember all the good times and it is fantastic that the nurses and doctors gave him good care. It sounds like he was as comfy  as he could be.

    It will get easier with time but you will always love him and have those great memories

    Take care

    We are all here

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Hello Moosimoo - welcome. The pain of loosing a partner can feel immense and different from anyother pain from other people dying.  My non bereaved friends have trouble understanding that for me it is sometimes a real physical pain. Take care