2 steps forward, 1 step back...

  • 18 replies
  • 27 subscribers

HI all,

It's been quite a while since I have been here.....

My husband died 2 years ago. Just as I am thinking that I'm doing okay I am suddenly overcome with extreme grief! I haven't stopped crying for 2 days....it feels as raw as just after he died.

I'm sure this will pass. Just wasn't expecting it and with such intensity. 

I want to make changes in my life...moving house for one.......but still feeling like this, is it wise? 

Anyone with similar experiences.


  • Bootsy - I love this - 

  • Hi lost my hubby 10 sept 2019 and this week has been so bad ..I really thought I was doing ok but I feel like I am falling apart now .i kept busy all the time and think I was trying to block it out also lost my Dad 5 weeks befor my hubby 

    I have had strange dreams this week as well one looking for hubby and when I find him he says to go now as he knows I will be ok others there is old war planes dropping bombs all around me .

    Also found at lot of white feathers in a half circle round my chair in garden put the radio on in new car and fist song was one played at his funeral .then my son stared collage this week one teacher fist name same as hubbys and others teachers name same as my Dads 

    sorry to go on but a really strange week I think I am just really reliseing that hubby is really gone x

  • hi,

    funny enough I too have had a few coincidences reasently. The first was a neighbour put some photos through my letterbox taken of Paul and I at a party she had at her house about 11 years ago. There was a note saying " I thought you might like these but hope they don't upset you."  Strangly enough it did sort off. Mostly because seeing Paul looking handsome, slim and suntaned made me realise that  when I think of Paul it is  always how he looked in the last few months of life.....after two and half years of continuous cancer treatment had taken its toll...

    The 2nd incident was similar in that a package arrived in the post about a week later from my sister.....with a note saying "I hope these don't upset you". Inside were photos of past family gatherings. All of us looking young, happy and carefree including some of my mother. She had no idea about the previous photos. 

    I am so grateful for them and have put some of them out to remind myself of the real Paul. My bad memories have now been replace with good, happy images.

    A strange few weeks for me too but the analogy of glitter and grief posted by Alison has really helped me get my head around the process of grief...

    Love to all. Kathy X

    I used to walk around like everything was fine, but deep down, inside my shoe, my sock was sliding off.

    Now I walk around and everything is  fine.....one day I am going to by new socks with strong elastic......but in the meantime I am learning to stop and and pull my sock up! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to BootsyD

    I like that pic

  • Hi my husband passed away 2 years ago tomorrow. I have been crying all week too. Why the 2nd year tougher than first I have no idea but if you want to share tissues I'm withyou

    life is like a patio door, you never know which side is open and you walk into the glass

  • Aww bless you Heartbeat xx 

    Tomorrow is another day
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Akela2516

    And Christmas tree needles, lol 

  • That made me think, Christmas tree needles. I bought a proper Christmas tree last Christmas, knowing it was likely to be Ric's last and tried to make it special, despite decorating and doing the covid clean, still finding the odd one!!! 

    Strange isn't it. Xxx