Moving on or not?

  • 7 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Now as some of you "bereavers" know, I have undergone some big changes recently. From the dark days of early this year to a more optimistic change of country and with a glimpse of a maybe bright future.

I did consider whether or not I need to remain a member here in this group, as it may seem to an outsider that I do not "need" the group any more. But then I considered does the group need me? Can I just blithely say goodbye to a whole bunch of new friends, to the good people here and of course to the new people that sadly we will meet as cancer makes it's insideous way into people lives?

I think if I can show others my progress and rebirth if you like and be here to help and listen to my good pals and new pals to be and of course seek help myself when I need it and rant of course (just had my new council tax bill and it costs as much a month as it does a year in Italy, ouch!)

So I'm sticking around...tough luck!!!

  • Moving on or not ? - you have still experienced bereavement - so why not  stick around if useful.  I guess we are all moving around and about in different ways - 2 steps forward 3 steps back sometimes, side steps and treading water- and I would not think that futures only have to look difficult or grim to be here - sunshine and clouds.   

  • I too feel quite strong now but not done Christmas yet but I am far more social than I have ever been and enjoying it. 

    So I am moving forward in leaps and bounds too! Changing the house too. 

    I like to help everyone still though and enjoy the conversion

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Nellie, you seem a bit grim these days, that ribald sense of humour seems lacking are you ok?

    Allison, I think we come on quite quickly once we begin to see improvements and I for one am glad to see you so positive these days, good for you!

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • Thanks for asking - got a bit fatigued and starting to be more social with friends not always easy - I dont want to be a bad smell at a party but also hard to just get back and join in - so finding my feet with friends. Also  realise I am sometimes the Nellie the Elephant in the room - people dont know what to say or whether to say anything " oh hello, havent seen you since the funeral" - etc.

    Plus just been done for speeding on the motorbike - but that will teach me. Moving on but over the speed limit - Butch Widow Twanky will have to do speed awareness course as lesson not to try and go too fast. 

  • Lol!!! I'm not a biker at all but aren't you meant to go fast?  Take care NellieJ. MotorcycleMotorcycleMotorcycle x

    Tomorrow is another day
  • That's cool and getting done for speeding awesome! Proper biker...enjoy the course, I enjoyed mine!

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • Annoying but quite amusing you got a speeding fine. Go for it!!!
