We the bereaved

  • 2 replies
  • 26 subscribers

All of us here have lost someone, be it recently or some time ago.

One thing has struck me about life etc..

Next time you go anywhere take a good look at all the couples you see, and almost guaranteed one of those individuals of each couple will go through what we have been through and they may  have even been through it before.

Its just their time hasn't come yet...ours has and did!

  • Hi mccmcc, yes your right sadly for us a very sad time came, and as you say everyone at some time in there life will experience losing someone they love dearly.  Its so so painful.  Take care . 

  • That is so true.  I watch couples who don't hold hands or don't  kiss each other when they meet or say bye when they go off somewhere.  At work 1 day last week an elderly couple were at the till and the man was so nasty to his wife it made me so mad!!  It made me be extra nice to the lady but also made me wish Colin and I  had got to their age, he would never be so disrespectful to any1. But their time will come Sleepy

    I don't think  Colin would've coped well had it been the other way  round for us, he tried so hard (and succeeded) to get me to love him 23 years ago, my heart is broken- his would've been crushed.  

    It's my'time' 

    You've written something like this before mccmcc- I  remember it from early in your 'journey' hope you're ok and settle back in the uk x

    Tomorrow is another day 


    Tomorrow is another day