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  • 27 subscribers

Dear all.

Since losing my dear wife Anne 13 months ago I still can't find the spark of life I used to have. Married 50yrs. In a nut shell, for half a century every move I made, every decision I made was with  my Annes welfare and security in mind. It was never about me.  Recently I bought a new mobile phone and went to my mobile companies store to buy it. Somehow I was told I needed a new contract. I didnt  even question that. Then the subject of insurance was raised. Ive never had any of my mobiles insured over the last 10yrs but some how I agreed on this occasion. I just wanted the whole damn thing just dealt with.  My mind isn't functioning like it used to. I was once razor sharp. Now days  Im in a state of semi numbness.  The point I'm raising is: on my own I don't care a damn about myself. I'm only half a person now;  surviving from day to day with - as I've already said -   no spark in my life. OK the entire mobile deal isn't costing me a fortune but the point is this. BE CAREFUL. Bereavement can make us vulnerable. At least I'm aware of the many phone and Internet scams that plague all of us so frequently.  But us bereaved folk just have to be extra CAREFUL. 

Love and Light

Geoff x

  • Hi Geoff, 

    Thank you for posting this, you are so right, we are extremely vulnerable when grieving,   its early days for me , but i can't concentrate,  think straight  or make the simplest decisions,  my family did most of the arrangements for the funeral,  and phone calls etc..   i feel so empty and lonely despite having an amazing family around me. Does time help at all Geoff, i really dont know. Take care. X

  • Good point Geoff and I'm sure it can be applied to many other areas of our lives also not just retail transactions! 

    I am aware of now under the covid thing a greater need for companies to squeeze the consumer even harder, scammers will be out there in internet land prowling about for more victims and as a whole the general population's perspectives have been radically altered.

    I for one plan to forge ahead in my life eyes wide open! 

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • Dear Bluebell

    In its own way time alters things. Time helps in so much as the heart wrenching grief subsides; those occasions when our heart breaks with bouts of uncontrollable crying. I smile a lot more these days thinking of events that were part of our lives together and talking to Annes photo helps a lot. But even 13 months on Anne is rarely out of my mind except when I'm in company and heavily involved in conversation.  " Does time help? Thats a difficult question to fully answer Bluebell. Basically as I said earlier ' Time alters things.' 

    Love and Light 

    Geoff x

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hello Geoff,

    Thank you for your reply, this group really helps , knowing others are going through similar experiences,  i guess its just getting through each day at the moment.  Hopefully I'll smile again thinking of the amazing memories we made together. Take care .x

  • Hi Geoff

    That is very true. I probably way over spent on my planned holiday to Italy because of this. 

    I did a funny thing after having my first child, I answered the door to a religious group, fell for the compliments to my son on how beautiful he was (and still is) and then kept getting visits. I would not normally have been gullible. It got to the stage where I would hide behind the settee! Lol.

    Just shows how vulnerable we can be. I still am sometimes now and buy things I don't need because Ric would have!!! 

    Take care and nice to see you back

    Love and hugs Alison xxx