I could cry but if I do!

  • 6 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Just got home from work to a new iternary for my holiday to Italy which I rebooked for next year. 

If I start crying I won't stop but tears are welling up. I am so disappointed. The water taxi is changed to s car! That was a huge excitement to go by water taxi. The flights are widely different so I will.in effect loose half a day of my holiday, there is no point in arriving at 6.30 pm from 1.15. They never even asked if it was ok! 

Really silly and I know it can be sorted but I had a long hot day at work, have struggled with my mask today, the kids have been messy, it rained on my washing, jeans and hoodies and I just want to cry! 

Maybe I am due some tears!!! I am feeling touchy because the undertakers cheque bounced for Ric's donation to the regiment and I had to sort that out, my daughter's driving license hasn't arrived and it has been 9 weeks and the email and phones are down, feeling stressed at work as work load is getting bigger and there are jobs that need doing which are difficult because my scanner won't work, all silly little things and I am due to scatter Ric next week. 

Sorry to rant

Alison xxx

  • Deep breaths Alison count to 50 million and take more deep breaths No mouth that's a lot to come home to!!! BUT it CAN  be sorted out-  the flights can be looked at,  there's time for things to be back to normal next year for the water taxi and your daughter has been safe from any lusty driving instructor lol!!!  Next week is days away yet and you are a tough cookie!!

    Pour a glass of something cold but not milk unless you put Malibu in it BeerTropical drink


    Tomorrow is another day
  • Oh my dear what a day you have had .You have a good cry then a big mug of tea or a glass of wine .To be fair Ive written this year off it just seems to be one thing after another some days its likes wading through treacle .I also seem to have regained a somewhat feisty attitude long neglected and sometimes needed .I have only myself to please now and have to go forward as I want .You are doing really well I really enjoy your posts and the kind words of encouragement you give us when its  needed .We have got you lovely lady tommorrow will be better lots of hugs xx

    Granny Sue

  • Oh Alison, I'm  so sorry you've had such a rough day.  You know that we all have days when everything gets on top of us and you also know it'll sort itself. Granny Sue is right, you always take the time to encourage and empathise with everyone on here.

    I know you've been looking forward to your holiday in Italy, but it is still a way off and you could possibly change things.

    I also had a long hot day at work with my mask making me hot and my visor sticking to my head! I got home to find enough dirty dishes ON TOP OF the dishwasher to fill it and for once, I turned around, went upstairs with a cuppa and read my book. It will all still be there in the morning Weary!

    I'm sure it will seem better in the morning after a sleep when you're not so tired. You are so strong and positive. 

    Love Ali x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to AliG55

    Hi Alison,

    Sometimes it's one thing on top of another and all of a sudden you are saturated with "stuff"

    Break it down into smaller manageable steps and deal with one thing at a time.

    Face what you can and leave the rest for another day.

    As for work - don't assume that everyone knows how you are feeling. If it's becoming too much please talk to your boss or HR it's early days and they have a duty of care to you.

    Thinking of you and hoping that you are feeling better today.

    Lizzy x

  • Hi Alison

    Anything to do with Italy is generally chaos anyway! 

    To be honest it's likely your expectations are set and obviously you are hugely dissapointed! But you are going, its going to be great still..

    As Lizzy advises chop it into bite sized bits...

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • Thank you all. I was over tired and hot! I had the cry and a cuppa. Got tidying and set the place straight but I did tell my son to walk to his mates when he wanted a lift as I had just wound down! My biggest trouble is I never do for me! 

    I know we will have a great holiday and I was annoyed they had booked flights without consultation although I know the industry is struggling and they probably had a shit day too..

    I am starting to struggle with the masks, there is a new cheap batch which is itchy and bringing me up.in spots! I am vain and hate it! Have had a panic attack.in a shop with one and I don't know why! I do have asthma but I have coped until now!! I have got some of the cannabis oil to try for pain and it had helped me sleep in the two days I have had it.

    So sunny day again, eventually found a dress that fits, so oft to meet my good friend in town and strict diet starts Monday because it took 3 changes to find something! Lol. 

    I can't change my flights but I do have a water taxi again! So we will enjoy it and have late nights to pack everything in!!! Lol

    Love and hugs Alison xxx