Reply to I want to scream

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  • 25 subscribers

Scream and rant all you want you are in a safe space here everyone knows exactly what you  are going through .The funeral is a tricky one it does stir up lots of emotions and there is a finality about it .We only had 10 at   Bills funeral but it was live on webcam  so his sister and her family could see it .I think a lot of the going forward is unpredictable we are all broken at times but amongst the sadness is the joy being with our person gave us .There is a saying Grief is the price we pay for love and tears are all the love we cant give to our person leaking out .I have found the calm app very good it dosent work for everyone but it might be something you could look at .Also when I feel really overwhelmed being out on the fresh  air is amazing .A lot of people just keep busy and it all boils down to relying on yourself really .Im glad Bill went first he wouldnt have coped .Be kind to yourself and rest as much as you need to things will go forward and its at your pace not everyday will be the same I just try to live in the moment and when the grief comes let it wash over me .I. will always miss Bill and wish him here but the cancer devastated him and took so much from him that I would only want him back when he was whole and healthy .I hope it all goes well for you keep posting all the very best x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sue,

    Thank you for posting. I found your analysis of tears very moving.

    We only had 16 at the service but a lot of friends social distanced outside. I think I got through the service on autopilot trying to support our sons who were very upset. Today is the worst so far my nerves are in shreds, my anxieties sky high & I could get a gold medal in crying. 

    I should definitely have gone first with all my ailments I’m simply not cut out to cope on my own. My husband was the practical one, I “cooked & cleaned”!! 

    I cant go out on my own for walks & I only drive locally due to my anxiety disorder, friends will pop in for a coffee then go home to their husbands or wives.....I don’t have any friends that are on their own. I can’t keep busy as I suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome! Yes I’m a wreck, physically & emotionally. My husband was my rock, carer, & my life. My sons are amazing but they live over a 2 hour drive away.

    My husband only really suffered the effects of the cancer over his final 2 weeks so I can’t even think that at least he’s not suffering....he had no pain. 

    I will be starting bereavement counselling next week but it’s all by phone due to Covid so I’m not sure it will help, I think I need to meet other bereaved people so I can see I’m not the only one who feels so awful...although I wouldn’t wish this feeling on my worst enemy. 

    I just feel my whole life has imploded, thanks for caring 

  • We will always be here for you and you should be really proud of yourself you have got through today and you will get through every day .It will be messy at times and sometimes very hard to bear but we will all keep going on .Ive been through grief today anger and I got through it .It started with seeing only my dressing gown on the hook then the anger at what he had to endure but it passed I got through it till the next wave .Some amazing people on here so many different stories.And you are one of them .Hope you will be ok in the coming days keep posting .Lots of hugs xx

    Granny Sue

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Granny Sue

    Thank you. Xx