
  • 3 replies
  • 25 subscribers

I have made it all the way to August, having been in dark mental places.  After my wife died 13th February, all joy in life disappeared in an instant, replaced with deep despair and indescribable sadness.   Nothing and no one could help me, every day was a struggle, even now I’m just about okay and back to work.   After many months of bereavement counselling and high dose age anti depressants, I’m still feeling lost.  

  • I think we progress at our own pace and if you charted your progress you would see it is upwards! However I would suggest that the progress is never linear and sometimes seemingly non existent.

    But I feel that all here grow some quickly some slowly..

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • FormerMember

    hi jebel its ever so good to hear that your gradually making some great steps forward it gives me some hope as its only been one week today that i lost my wife my 2 children have been so amazing i am struggling with the mornings and not getting much sleep i just keep getting a reminder of whats really happened at this moment in time i fill so lost i very much hope that we can get some comfort from each others posts take care reg

  • Hello Jebel, I am still counting in weeks. My partner dies 19th feb - 24 weeks ago. And the ups and downs and low downs all feel difficult at times. Hope today is ok enough.