Loosing my wife of 32 years, how do I cope?

  • 20 replies
  • 27 subscribers

I have only just lost my wife on the 28th of July I am so broken at this moment in time I  feel that I am the loneliest person in the world I just need to surround my self with people that are going through this themselves. I also have 2 children 22 and 24 who are missing there wonderful mum. Just wondered if there was anyone out there that can relate and offer support ?

Reggie x 

  • Hi Reggie

    I think we all can. Keep posting. It is really early days and your emotions will be all over the place for ages yet. I lost Ric at Christmas and I tick on but then bang something brings it back.

    We are all here.

    Take care 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Hi Reggie

    You are not alone, every one here truly understands what you are going threw, it is not easy, i just got threw one day at a time, one foot in front of the other. Use this group, scream, rant, curse cry any emotion that you may be feeling, and there are so many you wonder where they come from. 

    Its coming up to ten months for me never ever  thought i would get this far, i was married for 53 years a life time the only one i have ever know, life for me is not the same never will be. Every one is so different and deal with it the way that is best for us, I just carry on for my hubby that is what he would want,

    I would not have got this far if it had not been for the people here and family.

    Take Care Elliexx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ellie 73

    Hi reggie 

    sorry for your loss Ellie is right one day at a time all the group will listen to your rants 


  • FormerMember

    Just take every piece of help people offer, no matter how small, lean on family and friends as much as you need.   Be around people as much as possible, this helped me in the early days having company avoiding being on my own.   Peter 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Reggie, 

    I’m so very sorry that you’ve lost your wife. Believe me I know exactly how you’re feeling, im the same. My wonderful husband, best friend, rock, soul mate & constant companion for 38 years passed away on 22nd July. I’m heartbroken & like you feel like I’m the loneliest person in the world. I have sons of 35 & step daughter of 40 but they have wives or partner & after the funeral will go home....over a 2 hour drive. I will be alone, I have friends but they have partners or grandchildren...I have no one in the same situation as me ( that I know personally). 

    Please keep in touch, who knows we may find things to support each other. It’s both very early days so I’d appreciate any tips you can give me,

    My stepdaughter made us all felt hearts, she put locks of our hair in my husband heart to go with him & locks of his hair in our hearts to stay with us...they offer some comfort to kiss good night. Maybe you could ask one of your children to make you something similar. I 

    Take care 

    P x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi everyone

    Thank you for listening and your replies. The wave of emotions that suddenly hit as some have described are really unmanageable at times. I know its a long road that we are all on but hopefully we can take it step by step and all help and support each other on here to get through some dark times together. If anyone needs a more personal chat then please do not hesitate to message me. I would be more happy to embrace anyone and their experiences. 

    Take care 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    hi martin many thanks for your words very much hope we can keep one another positive look forward to reading your posts

  • Hi Reggie 64

    I would concur with the others here, take it a day sometimes hour at a time and just try to look back now and again and see the progress you have made.

    You have your kids and they have you, dont be afraid to let them see your grief as it gives you guys a chance to bond in your grief...

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    hi kernowp thanks for your reply i get great comfort from your words i hope we can bring some comfort to each other take care of yourself

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Morning everyone  just cant rest its the day before my wife's funeral i have been so low the last few days the emotions are unbearable at the moment i just cant see any future its so tough the kids are starting to buckle everybody keeps on telling me there will be a future they just do not get it they still have there loved ones i just have to push on thanks for you all listening god bless Reg