Dreams (and what they may mean)

  • 12 replies
  • 28 subscribers

I woke up with a neck pain and had to go to work today.  This made me very tired, so had a late afternoon nap but woke up crying.  I had dreamt of my husband walking down a unfamiliar road.  Whilst I was initially happy to see him from a distance, when I got closer, he ignored me and would not talk to me. Found this upsetting. 

I don't recall my dreams often and understand that they  relate to your subconscious. Mind you this felt like a nightmare! The sad bastard in me will probably research this further!

Back tracking, a few days/weeks after my husband had died in 2018. I dreamt that he had come to me and given me a hug in bed. This felt very comforting at the time, as I had only just lost him.  He felt near to me.  It also felt like a loving goodbye.

Wondering how others would interpret my latest nightmare and/or share their dreams (once they finally do get to sleep!).

With lots of love,

Dutsie Xx

  • Dustie

     If i had had the dream my thought would be, its a new journey he is on,  a road he is unfamiliar with, and i would be happy as i got closer ,for him to ignore me i would think he has left me once before and he is just going on the road till he reaches his destination what ever that might be, and to ignore me would means i can not hurt her again, just my op ion


    Take Care Ellie xx

  • That sounds very logical Ellie 


  • A nice way to put it. Thank you Ellie Xx

  • Dear Dutsie 

    As I've been taught -  and experienced -  a dream where there is no direct meaningful    interaction between the dreamer and the  person dreamt of, as would happen in real life, this is the dreamers unconscious mind trying to work through a true life event that consciously they are struggling to understand. However if a dream does involve a direct meaningful  and pleasant interaction between the dreamer and the person in the dream this is an actual  spiritual visitation.  The dreamer normally awakes thinking for a moment this had actually happened in real life; often accompanied by remembering the event in full technicolor. Such a beautiful experience is almost never forgotten and will be remembered in comforting flash backs throughout that persons life. I'll leave it to you Dutsie to decide which one of these events was your experience. 

    Love and Light 

    Geoff x

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hello Dutsie.

    From my cold logical perspective I would say this might be your subconscious telling you it's now time to find a new life, the fact that your husband in the dream ignored you could mean either you are letting him go or there is still a little unresolved anger towards him for leaving you in the first place.

    I believe many bereaved people cannot address their anger towards the deceased either for dying in the first place or for conflicts or unresolved issues in the relationship when the partner was alive. We the bereaved carry this burden of any negative thoughts about our partners but can anyone say they had the perfect marriage?

    I confess to all here that Carla and I had a very difficult relationship for many years culminating in an almost separate lives situation, I stayed with her as she was unwell for many years before cancer (heart and thyroid) and when she was diagnosed I took the decision to support her through her treatment and be there for her when she needed me.

    Yes I feel very guilty that she died and very sad for her as her life was cut short by this cruel disease.

    So for my money this is the anger or moving forward dream.

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • Dear mccmcc,

    All I've ever felt is guilt that I wasnt a better husband during our early years when I was too immature to understand that any love of our lives can never live up to our expectations. But I eventually did mature and learn, and we had a happy loving marriage for 50yrs. despite  the usual ups and downs of any relationship. I've felt no anger. I've never felt any anger since my Anne's passing. I love her now unconditionally because I was the weaker person. 

    Love and Light 

    Geoff x

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Dear mccmcc,

    As an aside to my last post. You might find it interesting to look up the psychological term 'Projection.'  

    Love and Light 

    Geoff x

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Thank you Geoff and mccmcc,

    I am at a turning point in my life. I have felt like changes are needed for a while but keep on getting setbacks healthwise. My head is spinning and I need to slow down. Just need to process it at bit more for myself. What you guys are saying makes sense. Will share more over the weekend as I think it will help me.

    Hope everyone has a relaxing weekend. 

    Take care and with lots of love,

    Dutsie Xx

  • FormerMember

    Five days after my wife died, I dreamed I saw her hoeing in the garden she loved so much. The thing about dreams is that, while you're in them, you don't know you're dreaming. To you at the time, it's complete reality. I just stood and stared at her. She looked up and smiled and said: "What's the matter?" I stammered: "I thought you had died." She laughed and said: "Oh, for goodness sake. Who told you that?" The rush of exhilaration was something I had never experienced before. Pure, explosive joy. Unfortunately, it was also powerful enough to wake me up and dump me back into reality. I have had several of these dreams since she died in November, 2019. I still can't decide if the exhilaration is worth the day of depression afterwards.

  • Hi I also have dreams of my wife the joy at the time is extatic but also enough to wake me up tears always follow depressed the rest of the dayDisappointed
