It’s six months now

  • 27 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hi All 

it’s been six months now I feel like a robot just plodding along on the hamster wheel of life 

go forward a bit then backwards bit listen to music sit and cry and beg Diane to come home again I still cuddle up with her pillow at nite  life is shit 

take care every body 


  • FormerMember

    Hi Martin,

    It's been 6 months since I lost my husband, know how you feel.


  • Been a year for me still not off that wheel yet not as painful but still a plod

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Newb

    The weekends just seem to be the worst time seem to loose all my motivation and get really down I will have to do list and stick to it during the week like a robot go to work 

    take care 


  • FormerMember

    Its 6 months since my husband died and I m just the same I cry driving into work ,I cry driving home,late nights and weekends are the worst .I have no interest in anything. 

  • FormerMember

    morning martin Hope you are feeling better today I totally get how you are feeling I'm like you work all week then home nothing much else and that awful pain in empty house and the sense of loneliness wow its truly a downer for me . Keep on telling myself to get on with it but fail mostly and just wish for my love to come to me . sorry for the passing of Diane and hopefully you find some comfort today . Take care martin .

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Pembroke37

    I seem to be getting worse, 6 months since I lost my husband, crying a lot and no interest in anything.A lady I know that lost her husband 6 years ago said that you adapt to your new life, but at the moment can't ever imagine that happening. I try to pull myself together when I know my daughter might call in but otherwise everyday is awful.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I’ve tried stay busy but seem to run out of energy even do a list have trouble keeping to it 

    everybody tell me it will take time and they tell you that you will adapt to the new life but I seem to be having a hard time with that 

    I go into town I hate that seeing couples together seems to make it worse going to work is a struggle some days but keep me in a routine 

    I wish I had the answers 

    have a good day take care 

    martin x

  • Hi Martin

    Sorry you are feeling like this' i still have days and quiet often fill the same as you, Its nearly nine months now and how i have got this far i really do not know. Have been really busy the last week son came down last Wednesday and still here. He has not stopped working, the shed is now all finished, he finished the bathroom of for me, got a plumber in last week and now have water thank goodness.

    On Thursday lap top complete gave up. it was so hard to find a new one that was in stock reckon every one had bought them because they where at home, but got one yesterday my life line is back. 

    Had to set up new account here as i had set up in hubby's name when i first joined, so now every thing is in mine, so a new log in name.

    I am certainly being put threw the mill, but i got my scan results and thank goodness a three month breather again. it like living on borrowed time, not a nice feeling, but have to except it.

    It has been so windy today but warm, where are the days going to.

    Glad i caught you i am still about but have lost all my friends  that i had on pm, and a few groups so will have to rejoin them.

    Will catch you soon.

    Take Care Ellie x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ellie 73

    Hi Ellie 

    good to here from you and you found a plumber you have been keeping your son busy getting all the jobs done for you you can’t do he is a good son 

    so you have another test in three months you are doing so well 

    I just seemed to have lost all my motivation went fishing for a few hour in the wind but it was warm  

    At moment weekends it gets to me still having counselling not for much longer only a couple left  I need to try and hold it together like you do some how 

    take care 

    Martin x

  • Martin

    I do not always hold it together i can assure you of that, i have some real down days but they are not so often as they where.

    I miss him so much it hurts at times, more so when things within the house go wrong, they where all his jobs. ii hate having to make a decision on my own   we where a team and always made it together,  Then i think i have been fighting to stay alive for a while now and will carry on fighting to try and make the most of what i now have, as he would want me to.

    No one in a million years that have not been where we are will understand, the feelings this grieve brings,

    I would not wish this on anyone, but i know he would want me to make the best of the situation i have been thrown into,

    Its like your mind tells you what sort of day your going to have, i hope tomorrow is a better one for you.

    I have had over a week now with my son it is lovely having some one else in the house its not empty and i have called him so many times by my hubby's name,

    Tomorrow when he goes things may be different a lone again

    Will talk soon,

    Ellie x