How am I?

  • 31 replies
  • 26 subscribers

I've just received an email from Tom at Macmillan, he asks how I am.

I'm angry, lost my husband after a short but fierce battle with Oesophageal Cancer in April at the height of the Covid pandemic.  Nobody from the hospital has been in contact with me inspite of me contacting his nurse and leaving a message.  I have felt numb until yesterday when my manager at work told me it's ok to grieve.

I miss him so much we were together for 36 years, married for 31 years.  We could only have 10 mourners at his probably already know this if you've lost someone.... sorry I'm just moaning

  • FormerMember

    My dear Nish there are no words that I have to make you feel better... as at this point nothing will make sense... I am going through a similar situation as my partner is still alive but not long to live...

    It’s okay to be angry.. sad... and try to make sense of a senseless situation.

    I hope you have family or friends around who can give you a hug and cry with you

    all the meditation and yoga in the world is not going to take the pain away...

    in my prayers xx

  • Jinglebelll22 thank you, sadly at the moment only my immediate family can hug me, my sons.  However I will admit to hugs from my Mum and Sister in Law. I have pushed grieving to the back of my mind and thrown myself into work or going out on my bike until yesterday.  The floodgates opened and I wept.  During dinner I asked my boys if they felt we hadn't grieved for their Dad.  Both said they had and were moving on (they're 25 & 23).  

    I'm sorry to hear about your partner, my thoughts are with you, keep safe x

  • Every right to be angry.We all are. We understand you can say what you want no judgement here .Bill died from Oesphageal cancer he had the big op chemo radiotherapy  Then another bit on the diaphragm And finally it went into his brain  The horror of it will never leave us but maybe the anger will move us forward day by day. Take care lots of hugsxx


    Granny Sue

  • Granny Sue- so sorry to hear you lost a loved one through Oesophageal Cancer too.  Will had 8 months from diagnosis.  He had Chemo which we knew was palliative treatment, we went off on holiday every month from last July to January this year.  We were lucky in that respect. Keep safe x

  • I never had an acknowledgement from.the hospital either. S quick call would have been nice!I wasn't happy with his care so they will soon know how I feel when I get my complaint in! A courtesy call would have helped though

    Take care xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Akela2516

    My husband died after a battle with oesophageal cancer too, 9 months after diagnosis he passed away at beginning of May,

    I haven't heard anything from the hospital either- have to say that my GP has been great 3 phine calls so far just checking in to see how i am.

    Im still so shocked to keep finding out how many people are diagnosed with this cancer and usually when it's too late and so young.  My husband was 62

    Thinking of you all

  • Hi Lizzy-K. So sorry to hear about your husband, my husband was only 62 too.  Keep safe and good luck with your complaint x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nish63


    My hubby also passed from this cancer, his was 10 months from diagnosis, i am surprised how many people seem to have had it, i had r heard of it,  never heard of it until he got his diagnosis,

    Ellie xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Ellie

    We hadn't heard of it either, such an aggressive cancer which doesn't seem to be widely known about or have any warning campaigns.

    I don't know that if there had been more of a symptom checker it would have made any difference but there are so many common symptoms that surely there should be some kind of screening programme. 

    How are you coping?


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Lizzy

    Not to bad but today i really miss him, every day seems to be different, its eights months for me and its hard.

    How are you doing, its true no one understand's how you fill, only people that are going threw it, just so many different emotions you wonder where they come from, for me i have to keep busy so i do not think

    So many jobs to try and do, and sorting paper work, but i am sure we will muddled through.

    Life will never be the same for me, ad its just one foot n front of the other.

    Nice to hear from you.

    Take Care Ellie xx