A sign out of nowhere

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Hello everyone. Haven't posted anything for many months. Even in the early days I only posted occasionally, mainly because I couldnt say things as well as others I do still regularly read all comments though, even after 20 months and 4 days after losing Brian. My thoughts and heart is with everyone here and ongoing thanks i  still take comfort in the many kind words of wisdom given on this forum. I felt compelled to share a recent 'happening' for me which I hope doesn't offend anyone. Some may not believe in signs from loved ones. I don't even know if I do but maybe I do more so now. In summary, I was in work the other day. Due to restrictions I am part of a skeleton staff, on my own upstairs in a large empty area. I have been there alone upstairs with 2 colleagues downstairs for about 8 weeks. It's good because I still have routine so I don't usually mind the isolation but I have had a few bad days recently and still miss him so terribly albeit the rawness isn't quite so bad a lot of the time. In any event there are 3 clocks in the room, on my first day or two after most of my  colleagues were sent home mid march for lock down one of the clocks stopped at 3:20 I have never bothered changing the battery and didn't think more about it to be honest. Until the other day. I was in the middle of a Skype call with a colleague, happened to look up to one of the pillars where one of the working clocks was. It said 3:20. Glanced at the furthest away clock and it was of course also at 3:20. Now all 3 clocks including the one that stopped weeks ago, for that moment were the same. It was  only at that moment it struck me that my Brian died at 3:20 on Friday 14 September. Whilst it wasn't the 14th of the month I grant you and it may well have been coincidence, it was sufficient for me to smile and take comfort in the thought that at that moment i felt he was sitting with me, in that empty room. Much love to all Mandy xx

  • FormerMember

    Ahh Mandy,

    Thank you for sharing this moment and I have no doubt that it was a sign from your Brian that he is with you and always has been. I believe in signs and in my case it's a iittle Robin who visits me and the more i'm struggling the closer he comes to the point where I can see into it's little eyes.

    Keep believing

    Love Sheila x

  • Hi Mandy 

    Your experiences are far too linked for it to have been a coincidence. I had many signs from my Anne in the early months, coins appearing in odd places in the house all dated either 2000 or 2016. I don't know what these dates meant though. For those studying  Spiritual matters receiving signs from our loved one is known to be commonplace. They usually appear at your length into bereavement but with me mine came early. I've had other signs more recently but I won't  bore you with them- this is your post not mine. Oh! Just finally. If anyone goes looking for signs they will never come. Signs always pop up when we least expect them;  like you.

    Love and Light 

    Geoff x

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hi Mandy

    I was desperate for signs but none really. But now I have had a couple. I have worked hard in my garden. I put a few of Ric's ashes in the back under his angel ornament on the day I wanted to scatter him and I was trying to write the report for the coroner for days and upset because I had a reminder and I just couldn't do it.

    Then out of the blue, some irises that he gave me grew and flowered, they have been there 3 years and done nothing. They are a lovely lilac colour, one of my favourites. It gave me the strength to do that report. 

    I put his regimental flag up on VE day and made successful scones for the first time! He had always called them rock buns previously! And they were! But he liked them! Previously my cooker temperature had kept being altered. Ric was a great cook. 

    I don't know if these things are signs but I like to think so. Sometimes when I sit here alone in his old seat, I feel tickling in my hair. No I don't have nits! Lol.

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Hi Alison 

    Tickling in the hair or across the face - which I experience most days at a time when I'm completely relaxed- is a sign your loved one is visiting you. I find myself breaking out into a smile when this happens and so I talk to my Anne. You will instinctively know its a visitation as against just a freak occurance because of the frequency of the phenomena and the lovely feeling of peace that overtakes you. I get tickles on my face but my daughter gets tickling in  her hair  like  you Alison. 

    Love and Light 

    Geoff x

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hi Geoff,

    I do think it is Ric coming to see me when I feel the tickling. It is a nice reassurance. 

    I hope it means he is at peace and trying to tell me so and that he is happy with everything I have done so far. 

    I miss him terribly and wonder if it would have been so hard with out this virus! I have just been for a walk to Wellington monument. It is a lovely peaceful place with lots of nature! Ric liked it there. He is tickling my hair as I tell you about it. I am planning a visit to Minehead and Blue Anchor beaches tomorrow, another favourite place of ours. 

    Part of me wants to scatter his ashes but part of me thinks that if I do, he may stop visiting because I will have set him free. 

    I hope you are ok. Sorry to hear about your good friend. 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Hi Alison 

    YES. Ric is telling you he is at peace and is very much OK. That's why spirit send us signs. Rics ashes like  my Anne's are not them. It was simply the body they used on earth during their 'Earth Walk.'  All departed loved ones are pure spirit in spirit and exist in another dimension that's purely non judgemental love. They don't mind what we do with their ashes Allison as long as what we do with them makes us happy and contented. Ric will never leave you. He will always be around whether you feel him or not. And when its our time to 'Pass Over.'  they will be there to greet us. This is  ancient and  in modern times provable wisdom

    Love and Light

    Geoff x

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    Hi Geoff/Alison/Sheila and everyone. Thank you for sharing your experiences and kind words. I  don't have much more to add other than to say that these kind wishes and advice and guidance that I see you all and others giving each day do make such a difference. I miss everything about Brian but I think most of all he was my safe place, That complete trust and unconditional acceptance of who we are, warts and all, with the ability to solve any problem by simply wrapping their arms around us. However I came in tonight and noticed your comments and can only say I felt such  warmth. That warmth which others who haven't experienced this are unable to give  Love mandy x

  • Thank you Geoff

    I have doubted my thoughts about his ashes. I don't want to cling to them because I have my memories and feelings for him. But I didn't want him to feel I had thrown him away. 

    He always said he would miss me and I used to say.it will be the other way round! You will be back with your mum and dad and I will be left alone. 

    I sometimes wish I could feel my first husband but apart from once I never have. I would like to think he could see how great his children turned out. 

    I could smell tobacco today. My son only smokes outside. But both husband's smoked! My daughter said I was losing the plot!! Lol. 

    I have felt my nan too but not recently, she would come when I was upset. 

    Maybe I am slightly receptive. Who knows. I like having Ric around so hopefully he will continue 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Dear Alison

    It seems you might be a 'sensitive' like me but not psychic. Our kids are grieving differently to us spouses so they appear to get over it quicker than us; yet often hide some of their grief through humour. My daughter does the same. As a young man I would have been upset or even angry about such comments but maturity and knowledge in old age makes  me just smile these days.  

    Love and Light 

     Geoff x 

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • That is true Geoff, they do use humour for their grief as does my son's best mate who lost his dad about a month after my children lost theirs. I used to get upset by it but now I realise it is heir coping mechanism..

    I am definitely not psychic! 

    Thank you

    Love and hugs Alison xxx