Lost my partner today

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  • 27 subscribers

My partner Carla was treated for lung cancer a year ago but it came back with a vengeance recently and sadly she died today. I was fortunate enough to be allowed into the hospital here in Italy and slept by her side on a chair for her last 5 days. Carla had adenocarcinoma's on her brain and her lungs were overwhelmed with cancer also, apparently it was very aggressive and only gave her a few weeks.

The Drs, nurses, health care workers and cleaners were all fantastic (this is the Italian health service in Belluno) Now I'm back home and fretting about the future, I've gone to bed about 5 times and got up to do things like washing up.

I have created a list of 3 tasks a day to keep me on track but I'm absolutely whacked after 5 nights getting about 3 hours sleep and of course watching my beloved partner die.

I'm worried I will not cope and will just end up drifting. 

  • I was doing great then had a frantic dash to the funeral directors as the hospital is now full up and Carla had to vacate her freezer!

    All ongoing now and the look of consternation on the guys face when I told him she was an atheist was priceless.

    If you want any help re Italy depending where you wish to go let me know, there is a plethora of real Italy, from the unbelievably beautiful area we live to stunning sandy beaches further south and Cities that are as cool as can be.

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • Oops oh dear. I guess it is strongly Catholic. 

    Thank you, sounds fantastic. But I guess I will have to patiently wait to travel. I might even loose these extra pounds that I have piled on since lockdown! Lol.

    I did some heavy gardening today and made s flat pack bookcase! No mean fit when your dodgy joints and hop replacement reminds you it is there!!! Lol.

    Going to try and relax tomorrow, maybe just a bit of baking and enjoy the weather before back to work Saturday! 

    Take care. You will get there. 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Work Saturday great!

    You seem to be on the right road and I wish you well.

    Enjoy baking...

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"