Nine months + and the grief has kicked back in again with a vengeance

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Dear all, 

I did read once that the period  of the second year of bereavement  can be more painful that the first. Apparently this is because, as the subtle but unknown process of denial of our loss fades away, its replaced with the stark reality that our loved one has truly gone for good. They aren't coming back. And so the  memories that have been repressed so far  rise up and take on a powerful role as they  slip through into consciousness. The most insignificant memory of something tiny can suddenly come to mind and slash you down like a cutlass blow.  Today I saw the first bud open of a potted and truly scented pink rose I bought my darling this time last year. Suddenly the memory of me buying it for her in the shop came through in complete  detail - total technicolour -  and so the grief with all its heartbreak started slashing at me again. These type of memories have become more prevelant over the last week and when Im not breaking  down  I'm sinking into a numb mindless depression. And I thought I'd been doing so well over the last few months. I can't see a future and to be honest I dont want a future. I just want this whole pointless life to go away. I'm done with it. As some know I'm 74 so there isn't much of a future coming anyway. Just bloody surviving  from day to day like a caged animal. Our kids contact me less these days which I understand.  If you research bereavement you'll see that its an entirely different phenomena for the offspring than it is for the bereaved partner left alone. The kids move on so much easier with their jobs and family life to attend to, and because their mum or dad puts on such a brave face in their company, they think they are moving on as well. But it isn't so. They have no true  conception that their Mum or Dad left behind has lost a life time partner. A soul mate.  And for those who have found this situation confusing and maybe  hurtful I hope this explanation helps.  Sorry if this post is a bit of a downer. I just had to put it in words to insure I wasn't going insane.

Love and Light 

Geoff x

  • Dear Everyone It was 2 years on the 29th of April at 9pm that my husband Robert died after only 6 weeks from his diagnosis with gall bladder cancer.I don’t want to rehash the unfairness of why him Rob never smoked and hardly drank,he was a referee and played football up until his hip replacement.Robert was a police officer for 30 years and I am proud of that.Our youngest daughter is also in the force,I know exactly what he would say! Anyway all I wanted to say was I personally have found this second year really hard.I think it’s because that reality has set in he is never coming back.I didn’t intend to post but I just wanted let others know his name because he deserves to be known and never be forgotten.This man has left a massive hole not only in my heart but also our children’s and grandchildren’s,and also he was a good guy. Thank you for listening.Stay safe everyone xx

  • Thank you all for sharing. You've expressed exactly what I'm feeling 16 months into this long-haul journey. Some parts of the wound have healed but others have deepened and become sore. I've found myself rehashing all the old -and more recent- regrets and feeling bitter about what I consider to be the unfairness of life.  We all want to shout to the world what good people our spouses were, to tell the world how much we still love them. On the one hand, my life was made so much better and fuller for having had Gilles but, on the other hand, it is all the more empty now. Will time help reconcile this paradox? I guess we're all grappling with this to some extent. 

  • Dear Limbo Yes your have said exactly what I was trying to say.I work in a busy medical ward and yes I look at people and think why Robert why are you still here.Im sorry I know I should not say this especially with everything that’s going on but I do.Then what’s the point it happened and nothing can change it.I just feel now my life is Eat Sleep Work Repeat. I know we are all feeling lost with the lock down.It seems to magnify everything.But yes I would not have changed anything I had the time of my life with Robert sometimes bad but my god we had some really fab and exciting times and that is want I will hold on to.Thank you, I’m glad you too had that one special person,Gilles, and to know that he changed your life forever. Stay safe Xx

  • Dear all, 

    I'm sorry I replied in this way. I think my clinical depression has over ridden my meds. I'm going to back off a bit from posting or I'll bring everyone down.

    Love and Light  

    Geoff xx

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hi Geoff. I was delighted to read you posting again. I wondered how you were for the past few weeks. You are familiar in a strange way. You can’t bring anyone on this site down as we are all there anyway. 6 months on I tell myself every night he has gone and wake up every morning reminding myself he has gone.    But so many people in the same place makes me get up and go on. I am a catholic and my mother died 2 weeks ago. The priest gave the last rites to both my husband and my mother. He acknowledged my pain but his belief was strong and gave me peace. Please keep an eye on us Geoff and keep posting. We need you. Lots of love. 

  • Dear Owl58.

    Thank you. My Anne had the last rights in hospital even though she was a lapsed Catholic. Bless her soul.

    I'm nobody special. Just a person working themself through grief. My posts vary from what I hope are helpful to others showing I'm vulnerable like everyone else. Bless you.

    Love and Light 

    Geoff x

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    Geoff there is nothing wrong with your post or the way you feel. It's called bereavement and we all react differently. I find it helpful reading about other people's journeys. I just wish we wasn't going through this lockdown.

  • Hey Geoff, You get it one cops wives to another.Their lives are different.? And you know what I mean!This new life sucks but what can we do? I wish every day my new life was different but hey life sucks! I wish Rob could be with me but..... He has gone and I can not ever bring him back.I wish everyday day I could go back to my old life but, don’t we all wish that? I have to just get on with this life whatever it has to ever.I fear it because my best friend is not here to talk things over with,but I also know that I am not the only one that has to suffer this hell- sorry -I am sorry we have have to meet in these horrible times but I am glad that we have each other to hold on to. Stay safe please! Xx

  • Dear Robmar

    Yes cops wives go through so much  worry when hubby is at work. Now I've lost Anne I miss her giving me a bollocking for not phoning whilst my cop mates and I where out on the pissJoy Although we had 18yrs together after my retirement she could still  give a good bollocking LOL. Yes I have my upbeat moments like now but they are few and far between. Mostly I'm lonely in a house that has no soul. No matter where I used to go before the lock down, or who I saw and maybe had a laugh with it was always the same. Turn the key in the front door lock and enter a nothing place. Sterile. No life, No soul. No Anne. The love of my life. My soul mate who put up with so much when I was a cop. Bless her soul.

    Love and Light

    Geoff xx

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Dear Geoff I’m sorry you are right,everybody is feeling this hollow nothing? That is what I feel and you are right coming home?-from work especially-there is nothing, no one to moan to it’s just the ever day things you know what I mean.Nothing will take this pain away for all of us. I hate this new life as we all do I think.I don’t know if I believe in God but as I have said before, if he has a plan then I think he should look at it more often.The good guys are falling behind.Hey what’s new?Xx When it’s my turn I shall be having a strict word with the Big Man!! Stay safe Xx