Overwhelming loss of the love of your life - from one Big C to another.....

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It’s 3 months since I lost my husband.  It seems to be harder now than straight after, I’m spiralling in the wrong direction.  I had just begun joining the world again when my life was  sharply pulled away from me.  I came to spend Mother’s Day/my birthday with my daughter and family and have been here since.  We had the closest, loving relationship and I’m struggling without him.  I crave my old life with him, I yearn to sleep in my own bed, look out at my garden, imagining him with me.  I’m in a house with 4 other people but feel empty and alone.  My daughter idolised her dad and seeing me like this is bringing her down too.  How are others coping?

  • Gary and V , I also empathise with both your journeys  , I wa married to my wife Winnie for 43 years, we met each other the year before, I was 21 she was 23. In all those years we were never apart. In 2017 she was diagnosed with melanoma, we honestly thought we would beet it , but sadly after operations and radiotherapy it spread to her brain last June. Like you I did everything for her at home. , and that gives me great comfort. Unfortunately she passed away on 15 July. 9 months ago. I still think about her all the time , talk to her photo and have a cry everyday. 
    it just seems so hard that our future was taken away. All out plans just gone. I can’t see any future now , not even living just existing from one day to the next 

    Winnie was Irish, so when we retired early , we sold up in uk and built a house in Ireland, we both loved this house , and this is the house she died in , it gives me so much comfort to see her things around me , I keep it the same way she kept it. And try and keep the garden to her standards. 

    for me 9 months on it definitely isn’t getting any easier. The only thing that keeps me going is I am positive we will meet again. 

    I even went to a medium a few weeks ago ( I was very sceptical about that kind of thing ) it was a Skype reading and she was in Canada.

    she told me things that only Winnie and I would know. She knew what car I have , where I keep all the keys. And even that I used to be in the Royal Navy for 5 years before I met my wife. She also said a lot of other things , all which were correct. I am very glad I did it as it seems to bring me closer to her. 
    sorry about the long post. 
    hope you are all having a good a day as you can. 

    Love you always Winnie xx