Reflections after 9 months

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  • 27 subscribers

Sitting alone in the  sunshine in my garden this suddenly came to mind. We've  all had the very roots of our lives ripped up by the iron claw of fate. Our loved ones taken from us. From my perspective  this also meant the loss of our holiday home ( Too many memories to continue with it) And so no more pleasant countryside driving  trips to Hurley Village. No more days shopping in Harrow with my beloved Anne where she just loved to browse  in M&S whilst I sat at the door watching the world go by in order to give her some person space. No more trips to Sainsburys where I would sneak things into the shopping trolley yet  Anne would spy it and take them back if they were shite. Which they normally were GrinGrinGrinGrin And the loss of good home cooking. What inspired this post today was I thought I heard a knock on the kitchen window. I paused from reading my book and expected to hear Anne say "Lunch is ready Geoff." But no. Another heart sinking moment. All of us have had our lives stripped down to a skeleton level. We are now different people. Our old selves and life style ripped away into just memories. For me after 9 months alone, this skeleton of a new  man now evolving,  is slowley but surely adding some flesh to the bone. But when, or if it ever completes,  I'll still be all the poorer for it without my soul mate. 

Love and Light 

Geoff x

  • Hi Geoff. Nice to hear from you again. Strange thing is , I was out walking my dog this morning and wondering what part of England you are in and how you were getting on. And low and behold you write a post this afternoon. 

    I totally agree with what you have said. I still don’t like going to shops we both shopped on. And then there is shops I will never go in again new look and places like that. 
    Geoff I hope you are keeping well in this new shit life we have been given. 
    It will be 9 months for me as well this month 

    Take care  Mike 

    Love you always Winnie xx
  • Hi Geoff, 

    It is only 3 and a bit months for me but I was painting the fence today thinking  that I bloody hate this job but Ric liked it! Then thinking it was Easter and I should be out at the beach with him. We used to shop  together it is odd going alone. Not right at all. 

    There is a huge hole. It is not fair,! I am.sat alone tonight, my children are upstairs, Paul painting his bedroom and Hannah playing computer games. I am watching the telly or should I say the telly is on!! 

    Everything is so different

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Hi Mike 

    Thanks for the thought mate. That's kind of you. I too hope you are some how surviving as best you can. I live not far from Harrow town, a place I hardly visit anymore other than to visit the building society. I don't post a lot these days as I'm mostly washed out of things to say. And I tend to leave post  responses to others recently bereaved to those poor souls similarly placed. To be honest I'm a bit in limbo now. I miss Anne so much but my emotions are for the most dried up as are my tears. I'll never accept living without her. And I never would want to. I'm not unhappy but at the same time I'm not happy either. Basically like a lot of us I just fill in the time from day to day till its time for bed when I can escape into blessed unconsciousness. Stay safe Mike. 

    Love and Light 

    Geoff x

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hi Alison 

    It must be even tougher for you having two children to care for. I bloody hate cooking but at least I can get ready meals. I don't know if they are a healthy diet but do I care? The answers No. And as you say shopping alone isn't right at all. But at least during this lock down I'm getting everything delivered on line by a good neighbour who has an account with several supermarkets so she adds anything I need to her list. The telly at least creates some kind of noise along with voices but its very rare I can get into anything. Stay safe Alison s

    Love and Light 

    Geoff x

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember

    Geoff  Mick and my virtual friends and fellow sufferers.

    I find myself nodding at your comments.

    Just wanted to say, we had a holiday home and I thought I  would not be able to go there. Amanda and I spent her last 4 weeks on earth there. It has immense memories for me too not least she could have ended her life there but we came home and she passed the next day. Just wanted to say and were all different, and despite my reservation, I have been back and it was not as harsh as I expected. Ive been twice now and found it actually has nice memories, that I take comfort in. Im going to stick with it for a while.


  • Thank you for your post Gary, we too have a holiday home (well caravan) and I haven't been back yet, would have probably gone this weekend if we weren't in lockdown. We always went at Easter, first visit of the year. I am a little apprehensive as Mark absolutely loved it their, it was our "get away from everything" place, where we could just relax, walk on the beach at night and look at the stars. It will never be the same but I do still want to go and as you say it has so many good memories. Last time we went was June for my birthday and he was fit and well, unbelievable really.

    Martin, I hope you, like me are taking comfort from these posts from people who are further down the road than us that maybe there is light at the end of this bleak dark tunnel we are travelling through.

    Happy Easter. Ali x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to AliG55

    Hi Ali 

    I am taking comfort from the posts and am thinking about booking a weeks holiday next year at eye kettleby  near Melton Mowbray a place we us to go on a fishing holiday together  ( I know I’m a bit boring. )  but I’m not going on a cruise by myself 

     I’m trying to go for a walk when I have time a nite been for one for a hour this morning now going to clean bathroom and do some more jobs 

    have a good Easter too Ali 

    martin x

  • What a beautiful post and I completely understand what you are saying because I feel the very same. Love and light to you too!

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.