Funeral restrictions

  • 3 replies
  • 25 subscribers

My Hubby passed away on 5 April and to say we're devastated is an understatement. His 4 grown-up sons and his mam were with us when it happened.  On dealing with the necessary things the funeral director has told us because their job puts them in the high risk category and also they've got someone there with C 19 there's no visiting my Colin or even taking some of his clothes in to dress him with. 

We can't use the Chapel at the cemetery either! Straight to the graveside and lowered into the grave straight away. 

A limited no of family only and one if the worst things the funeral director has pointed out the vulnerable adult rule that they are advised to stay at home if they're over 70. His mam is 80 and I don't think hell or high-water will stop her going. We'll find more out in due course these initial findings have really shook us all.

  • Hi,

    Firstly let me say I am so sorry for your loss, awful at any time but cannot imagine what you must be going through with regards to the funeral. His Mother must be distraught at the prospect of not being able to go to her son's funeral.

    In the early days I think you are in shock and just do what you have to do like a robot, as though its not real somehow.

    Please keep posting, you will find support and advice on here.

    My heart goes out to you. 

    Ali x

  • So sorry for your loss especially now. I can't imagine how hard it must be with all the restrictions. I hope that you may be able to have a remembrance service later and that eases the pain for you a little.

    Dealing with the loss is hard enough. I wish I could help. I truly feel for you and I have to say although I obviously didn't want to loose my husband, I am glad I was able to do most of what he would have wanted albeit a lot quicker than we thought and suddenly. 

    I am sure he would understand and you have no control. Try and do something special at home and keep talking to him. I hope it goes as well as it can.

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • FormerMember

    I am sorry about your loss, I lost my husband on 11/3/2020, after 13 months of metastasis lung cancer to his  neck and brain. He was a very health man, buy one day he found  a small lump on his neck, was given immunotherapy which worked for seven months, he was given chemo which was believed to be working but then killed his good cells. 

    My thoughts and prayers with you and your family at this difficult time, I buried my husband on 27/3/2020, I was expecting 100 people at his funeral, but was later told only 10 at the church, then the service was cancelled and were allowed only five people at the cemetery, I was luck that I was allowed to see him at the chapel. 

    On the day of the funeral he came home we had few friends and family standing on the street  2 metres apart played his favourite music at the background,  because I wanted to  make sure that he had  a dignified burial, I did the order of service and gave copies to those who were unable to attend, the priest did a service at the grave yard and again managed to play his songs in the background more importantly when the coffin was being lowered down, one of his friend took a video of the 20 mins service. 

    It's hard to lose a husband after 14 years together but I am getting comfort that I was with him when he passed away and despite the global difficulties I had the opportunity to give him a burial, I was initially told by the funeral directors that there was a  possibility of not being allowed to attend his burial. 

    I pray and hope that you and your family will be allowed to give him a dignified send off, sending you all the love, your Colin will give you all the strength, he will be with you all the way.