Hi Every One

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  • 26 subscribers

Hope every one is doing as best they can, the only thing at the moment that can bring us a little bit of hope is to see the lovely sunshine we are having

my hubby has bee en gone 6 months tomorrow, it seem's so much longer.

His Favorite room in our home was the conservatory, it was his and he cleaned the outside and in side on a regualr basics, well it never got done at all last year,  the last thing the two of us was bothered about.

Well today i have done all the outside, cleaned the windows, took  me five and half hours, it was hard going, i never gave up, so chuffed with myself, i know he would be so proud of me, he always did all the garden, i was the one that sat with my feet up reading a book.

Well not anymore, spent eight hours over weekend, and stood back and thought yes. i could hear him saying you go girl

i am learning on this journey so many things, though i do not like it at times but it has to be done and google in my best friend, am learning about foxes as i have a family of them living at bottom of garden.

They say you learn some thing new every day.

This journey has bought so much  changes into my life, i am sad, a lone,, heart broken, lost, a part of me was taken.

I never ever thought i would managed with out him, but i have no choice.

I would give any thing to have him here at my side, he was there for 53   years, always the two of us, i did not  know what it was to be just me but am finding out., though hard i am getting there.

All stay safe and my thoughts are with you all.

Ellie xx

  • FormerMember

    Well done today Ellie. I too find great satisfaction in solving  a problem that I would have left to my darling husband.

    Today I decided to get the sun parasol out, could I get it to open ,no way, but I perservered and did it!!

    I was so pleased with my self , but so sad as well that I had to do it myself

    the same with the social distancing, it would have been so much easier with him here

    You have done remarkably well  in 6 months , I am 14 months down the line and as you say learning all the time, I just wish I didn’t have too

    Best Wishes


  • Hi,

    That's a coincidence, I was sat in my conservatory for the first time yesterday and thinking how much he loved it in there. He worked from home and often set his laptop up on the coffee table to enjoy view of the garden while he worked. I looked at the windows and they were filthy, didn't have time to do them last year so am going to try and get them done between working.

    I have to now buy a lawnmower! Have never mowed the lawn before but it needs doing and Mark had a big heavy petrol mower so I am looking for a little lightweight flymo that I can use,  hoping to find on online.

    You tube has become my best friend, even for putting screenwash in cars as he used to do that.

    Isn't amazing what we can achieve. I think we should all be so proud of ourselves. I am 4 months in and still cry a lot but have realised I am a lot more capable then I thought.

    Hope everyone enjoys their garden today as I think it's going to be another nice sunny day to lift our spirits.

    Ali x

  • Hi everyone

    yeah me too have been doing little jobs that I haven’t done before and yes google is my friend too, in particular YouTube!

    It was hard in the garden as we both did it together and I had thought about not bothering to plant this year and just keep it tidy.

    But, I had a word with myself and pushed myself, I could feel him watching me with a big smile on his face as a sowed seeds Grin

    I have got peas, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli and strawberries just showing shoots now and luckily got some bags of compost before we were restricted to essential items.

    I do think garden centres should be open as they do supply food that you grow yourself.

    neither myself or husband were into gardening until last year, when he got diagnosed we got some decking put down and new garden furniture so he had somewhere nice to sit when he couldn’t go out. It spiralled from there and one side of garden (well yarden) is a Zen garden and so relaxing, the other side vegetable planters that my husband made from decking.

    He made us a beautiful Shoji window, which is attached to side of shed. It’s so calming sitting looking at it and fills me with so many lovely memories.

    take care everyone

    (ps a life hack, use long handled back scrub to apply sun screen to your back if your on your own) Thumbsup tone1

    Grief is the flip side of love
  • Hi everyone,

    My parents and I are doing well under the circumstances. I am so happy I made the decision to travel to Germany two weeks ago to be with them during this time of crisis. Yes, it was a risk to take because I could have contracted the virus or, even a lot worse, could have been the carrier of the virus and could have given it to my parents, but the three of us were willing to take the risk and now, almost 14 days later, we are here together and nobody is sick. 

    It is a strange time, though. I am glad to be here with them and not having to be on my own, but I also miss my home and my friends and being in contact with Whatsapp or Skype or whatever other tool we may use is somehow not the same. 

    I can only say - and I am not sure what that says about me or my life - that I wasn't able to cope on my own two weeks ago. Having to be on my own for any length of time is not bearable - like I can do a day or two or even three but I knew that this was going to take a lot longer. 

    It's nice and mild here and I can go for walks daily. I am also still working with trasncriptions and I have also started writing a book. I use a lot of time for spiritual practice and personal development too. 

    Love to everyone, hope you are all safe!


    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Hi Mel,

    It sounds like you have found some peace. I am really pleased for you. It almost sounds idyllic in a way. 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ebony12

    Hi Everyone,

    Like you all I've learned things I never thought I could do or should I say didn't have to do when I had my Bob who loved doing it.

    Garden is the main one. Never did a thing he loved it and now 3 months snce I lost him I have immersed myself in the garden as i'm isolating totally alone and it gives me something to do. I have jet washed the decking, stained everything that needs staining, weeded, you name it I've done it and I think he would be proud of me. The saddest part is everyting is now starting to bloom and he loved seeing this and it makes me so sad that this year he can't. I often sit and cry because although I have done it I feel guilty if I have managed without him so I have a constant battle with myself. I can do it but don't want to be doing it.

    I cannot clean anymore, I cannot run or train any more and I have added stress about what will happen to my job.

    This situation is not helping me but I am doing my best to keep busy and like you all said our loved one's would be proud of us all with our new found skills. Skills we didn't really want to learn but have been forced to do.

    Stay safe everyone, keep posting as I find you all inspirational to me at this difficult time
