Ive reached an enpasse

  • 9 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Dear All, 

Im nearly 9 months on from losing my wife Anne - and apart from a major breakdown a short while ago - my mind has gone into a kind of lock down regarding grief so I'm finding it hard to respond to the many tragic posts that come up about recent berievements. I so admire all you  folk similarly placed to me in time that can still carry on this supportive and extremely vital good work on our site. I won't be leaving but maybe like so many in the past I'll gradually fade away. I felt it good manners to share this with you and all the many friends I became close to during my most traumatic times. Heart decoration And I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. 

Love and Light 

Geoff xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Geoff 

    as long as you are doing okay   It not good they stopped the fishing tho that was my of getting out at least one day at weekends  just say hi now again 

    take care 


  • Hi  Geoff,

    I post now from time to time as it's now almost 16 months for me. I feel as though I've said all that can be said but I continue to read the posts regularly. I write when I feel the need or when I think I can lend support to those who are only now on this long, winding road. 

    Just don't forget you'll always have us when grief pops back up again, as it is wont to do.

    Take care of yourself

  • Hi Geoff,

    I have moments when I find hard to respond. There is no timeline for grief - we hear from people 2, 3 or many more years on. 

    I have found it encouraging to hear from people with different timelines. I too appreciate my virtual friends and their messages of support over the last 16 months or so.

    So just wanted to say hi and hope to hear from again, as and when.

    Take care,

    Dutsie Xx

  • Hi Limbo,

    You are awake this late too!

    Trust you are keeping well?

    With lots of love,

    Dutsie Xx

  • Hi Dutsie,

    I'm living on the other side of the world so it's actually 2.22 p.m here. What about you, why are you still up?! I'm doing okay. Since this lockdown, I've been spending mydays on the Internet trying to distract myself but almost every morning and night, I find myself crying again. Grr.

    Hope you're fine too.

  • Hi Limbo,

    I found out my friend's husband died last Wednesday today.

    It was an emotional phone call...sort of brings it all back. Was in my office crying this afternoon with him and thereafter.

    With this lockdown and being on my own, I am lucky I can pop into my office to get out  for distraction! Although that is lonely too as I am there on my own and therefore, have too much time to think

    Anyway it is 1.37 now so should really go to bed.

    Night night Xx

  • Hi Dutsie,

    I've just read your other post. I'm very sorry for your friend and, of course, for you, for the pain that the death of your friend's husband has revived. That was  a big one to deal with. I think we've become so much more sensitive and vulnerable to other people's pain. My sister was telling me about a friend of hers who lost her son a few years ago and I just broke down crying.

    I've been so alone in my grief as I live far away from family and friends that the tears are never far away once I start talking about Gilles. It's as if I hadn't had enough opportunities to tell my story  and I'm afraid this lockdown may deprive so many people of the support they need. I'm sure your friend will find comfort in being able to lean on you.

    Take care of yourself and keep safe.

  • Dear Geoff. I to am nearly 9 months in. And have also faded from posting. Maybe we have turned a very small corner. Anyway Geoff look after yourself, and please say hello now and again. 
    Take care of yourself. 

    Love you always Winnie xx
  • FormerMember

    Geoff, and so many others Ive shared my grief with over the last 8 months I too need to concur with the content of your post.

    Its been important and has helped me to come to terms with my personal grief, but to know so many feel as I do has helped.

    A number of us lost our soulmates round about the same time, nearly 9 months ago for me too.

    At first the loss was overwhelming, the grief constant the emptiness unbearable. Reading my fellow sufferers post helped so much, and in a strange way knowing we were all in the same place gave some glimmer of hope.

    I absolutely still miss my friend, wife and someone who was everything for most of my life, it brings tears to my eyes as I write this . I used to post a lot mainly about my own grief, but as time went on I tried to support everyone with thoughts of the future. Nothing much has changed at home, I've hardly got rid of anything, I can't see myself with anyone else, 50 years since we met is truly a lifetime.

    Just wanted to echo Geoffs remarks, I'm posting less but Ive not gone away, I was thinking the other day how I would love to have my beloved Amanda here with me in lockdown, being alone after so many years together is more painful during these uncertain times.

    For those newly bereaved, the loss is unbearable, the help from those around you is invaluable. Stick with the group and draw strength from our common grief.

    Like Geoff and others I've come to know on here, I wish you well in your journey. I will come back from time to time.

    Best wishes to you all, stay strong and above all look after yourself.
