My wife had got through 2 rounds of chemo and then was killed by Covid 19

  • 30 replies
  • 26 subscribers

My heart is broken as my whole world Mandy, who fought so hard to get through 2 rounds chemo for her leukemia and almost 9 weeks in hospital, died last Saturday after getting Covid 19. It just seems so so unfair that after all she went through, with a donor for an SCT already lined up, that she should die like this. Then I have to self isolate for 14 days, which is another hell. Then all the nonsense with the cremation and restricted to 10 people and I have to sit alone 2 metres from everyone. Tom 

  • FormerMember


    i have to say I’m so sorry to hear what you and your Mandy have and are continuing to go through. I hope you can find some help on this website it has helped me after losing my partner this time last year x It is very early days for you in your grief all I can say is stay strong x


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Justine, I guess it's just the feeling of being lost, that I can't shake.

    Tom, x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    You will feel lost that is to be expected I still feel lost sometimes now ... don’t be hard on yourself and just take it one day at a time as so much changes from day to day as we all know . Please give yourself time to take all of it in do you can deal with it all in your own time x


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Justine, I'll try.

    Tom, x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I am so sorry to hear this, you have been dealt a real bad blow.

    It is very early and under the circumstances of how your Mandy passed is cruel.

    You had both dealt with the chemo and no one was expecting this and i really fill for you.

    You must take each day as it come's, it is hard and you have to deal with the extra circumstances of this awful virus, which none of us ever expected

    You will get a lot of support from this group, everyone will know how you fill,and we all support each other.

    My Thought's are with you.

    Take Care Ellie xx.

  • Tom I'm so sorry you've found yourself here. Bereavement is hard enough without the added difficulties.

    My husband died after having chemotherapy but from a blood clot. I woke up one night to find him gone. I'm not comparing my situation to yours but to show that you're not alone.

    I hope you have some support from someone to speak to.

    Take care and keep well.

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • FormerMember

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Life is not treating us very kind at the moment.

    My heart goes out to you


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    None of us should be on this site


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Ellie, to think it was only few months ago I was looking on this forum for advice about what happens during the SCT procedure. All the heartache of being apart for almost 9 weeks and for it to end like this. Sometimes I think I should put her possessions away and then I think but this is her home and they should stay out and in view all the time. Confused, Lost and Helpless. x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Wildcat

    Thanks wildcat, once my self isolation finishes at the end of next week, my sister and her family will visit and that will be a big help. Sorry for your loss too  x