50yrs Married and on .....

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My dear friends,

As some of you already know from my previous posts I lost my Anne, - the love of my life - over 8 months ago. Anne was 21 and I was 23. when we married. A life time ago to me now  aged 74. In the early days following  Annes passing, and like so many other  folk, my thoughts were on taking my own life. I had it all planned. What eventually stopped me was the love of our two children,  not only for their Mum, but the love they clearly have for me. I read that too many of you good people have lost your loved ones far too soon:  in their 50's and 60's and I have no idea how that must feel. How could I?  My goodness you younger people have some  kind of life ahead of you which will pan out - believe me:  where as I'm very much in the winter of my time,  and with no fear.  So what's kept me going? Firstly.  My darling is no longer suffering. Secondly. Whether religious, athestist or - spiritual as I am - my sweet heart is in a better place than where she was during her cancer fight. And my goodness did she fight it. Strong to the end as I told her how much I loved her. And how much she was to me,  the perfect wife. And how much she  was the perfect Mum to our kids. Anne then took her final breath in my company  and passed over. And at the final end Anne had a tiny smile on her face.I'll never forget that as long as I live So where am I now? The grief attacks have almost gone. I live from day to day as my Anne taught me. " Geoff just take each day at a time." And from somewhere I've acquired some form of peace which I don't understand? It's beyond words to describe. It truly is. I have no answeres to your personal grieving. I really don't. Just take each day at a time. 

Love and Light 

Geoff x

  • How far you have come and I'm sure many of us remember your earlier posts and like me worried about you.

    This post made me smile and feel such admiration that you now see your life in a different way. Obviously not better but less painful.

    Anne would be so proud of you. 

    • Ruby diamond x
  • Thank you Ruby for your kind words and understanding  Heart decoration  Perhaps we will give hope to others on this aweful journey of grief. 

    Light and Love 

    Geoff x

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.